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1999  |  Volume 2  Issues 3-4

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review


Agroindustrialization in Emerging Markets: Overview and Strategic Context
Michael L. Cook, Thomas Reardon, Christopher Barrett and Joyce Cacho

Clustering of Small Agro-Processing Firms in Indonesia
Kees Burger, Daniel Kameo and Henry Sandee

Dairy Clusters in Latin America in the Context of Globalization
Martine Dirven

Challenges for Brazil's Food Industry in the Context of Globalization and Mercosur Consolidation 
Elizabeth M. M. Q. Farina

Agroindustry for Rural and Small Farmer Development: Issues and Lessons from India
Vasant Gandhi, Gauri Kumar and Robin Marsh

The Cassava Starch Industry in Vietnam: Can Small Firms Survive and Prosper?
Francesco Goletti, Karl Rich and Chris Wheatley

Concentration and Internationalization of Brazilian Agribusiness Exporters
Marcos Sawaya Jank, Maristela Franco Paes Leme, Andre Meloni Nassar and Paulo Faveret Filho

Institutions and Price Transmission in the Vietnamese Hog Market
Katell Le Goulven

Elite Germplasm for GMO's in Brazil: Modeling Government-Agribusiness Negotiations
W. Lesser, Todd M. Schmit and Lilian M. Ruiz

Liberalization's Impact on the Indian Seed Industry: Competition, Research, and Impact on Farmers
Carl E. Pray and Bharat Ramaswami

Global Change in Agrifood Grades and Standards: Agribusiness Strategic Responses in Developing Countries
Thomas Reardon, Jean-Marie Codron, Lawrence Busch, James Bingen and Craig Harris

Competition Among Foreign and Chinese Agro-Food Enterprises in the Process of Globalization
Anning Wei and Joyce Cacho

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