2017 | VOLUME 20 ISSUE 5 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review |
When Amazon ate Whole Foods: big changes for Big Food
Kate Phillips-Connolly and Aidan J. Connolly pp. 615–622
Keywords: Big Food, millenials, Amazon, Whole Foods, food supply chain
Research Articles
U.S. milled rice markets and integration across regions and types
Man-Keun Kim, Hernan Tejeda, T. Edward Yu pp. 623–636
Keywords: price markets, cointegration, impulse response functions
The effects of price promotion on relative virtue and vice food products
Josefa Parreño-Selva, Francisco J. Mas-Ruiz, Enar Ruiz-Conde pp. 637–654
Keywords: light product, regular product, relative virtues and vices, price promotions
Zero-inflated ordered probit approach to modeling mushroom consumption in the United States
Yuan Jiang, Lisa A. House, Hyeyoung Kim, Susan S. Percival pp. 655–672
Keywords: fresh and processed mushrooms, zero-inflated ordered probit model, consumption behaviors, double hurdle model
Cooperation among Ugandan farmers: cultivating social capital
J.L. Morrow Jr., Richard Patrick Joyce III, William J. McMahon, Antonio M. DeMaia, S. Caleb McVicker, Ashley E. Parsons, Kristin Wilcox pp. 673–688
Keywords: farmer cooperative formation, Uganda, social capital, social benefits
The mediated partnership model for sustainable coffee production: experiences from Indonesia
Atika Wijaya, Pieter Glasbergen, Surip Mawardi pp. 689–708
Keywords: mediated partnership, sustainable coffee, collaborative governance, production network, Indonesia
Exploring the applicability of a sustainable smallholder sourcing model in the black soybean case in Java
August R. Sjauw-Koen-Fa, Vincent Blok, Onno Omta pp. 709–728
Keywords: agribusiness, CSR, smallholder inclusion, sustainable sourcing, value chain
Understanding the determinants of adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology within the agri-food context: the case of the Midwest of Brazil
Caetano Haberli Jr, Tiago Oliveira, Mitsuru Yanaze pp. 729–746
Keywords: enterprise resources planning, ERP technology, management models, agribusiness
An empirical investigation of patent and trademark ownership propensity and intensity in the U.S. food and drink industry
Jasper Grashuis, Stanley Kojo Dary pp. 747–764
Keywords: food and drink industry, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, panel analysis
Analyzing job satisfaction and preferences of employees: the case of horticultural companies in Germany
Stephan G.H. Meyerding pp. 765–788
Keywords: social sustainability, human resources management, employee well-being, horticulture, vitamin model
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