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2023  |  VOLUME 26 ISSUE 3

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

Special issue: Agri-food systems transformation: sustainability, resilience, and the role of technology


Special Issue: Agri-food systems transformation: sustainability, resilience, and the role of technology
Rui Mao, Aleksan Shanoyan, Kate Brooks, pp. 373–377
Keywords: agri-food systems transformation, sustainability, resilience, technological innovations

Research Articles

Economic and environmental impacts of agricultural non-tariff measures: evidence based on ad valorem equivalent estimates
Rui Mao, Yuhang Liu, Xiaoxi Wang, pp. 379–396
Keywords: non-tariff measures, ad valorem equivalents, welfare distortions, carbon emissions

Agri-food trade resilience among food-deficit countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
Soojung Ahn, Sandro Steinbach, pp. 397–408
Keywords: COVID-19, lockdown measures, LIFDCs, agri-food trade resilience, food security

Healthy diet and food system transformation in China
Binjian Yan, Yiru Wang, Yingheng Zhou, pp. 435–453
Keywords: food system, healthy diet, China

Internet celebrities, public opinions and food system change in China: a new conceptual framework
Xiaoping Zhong, Jingjing Wang, Xiaohua Yu, pp. 467–487
Keywords: Internet celebrity, online opinion leader, subjective values, purchase decision-making, cultural change, food system change, China

The role of information heterogeneity in blockchain-based traceability systems: evidence from fresh fruits buyers in China
Qianqian Zhai, Qian Li, Ali Sher, Chao Chen, pp. 489–517
Keywords: blockchain-based traceability, information preference, best-worst scaling, heterogeneity, fresh fruit

Assessing the impact of digital financial inclusion on agricultural total factor productivity in China
Shixian Zhaia, Chao Peng, Yu Sheng, pp. 519–533
Keywords: digital financial inclusion, agricultural total factor productivity, agricultural technical progress, agricultural technical efficiency

Participation in a mutual fund covering losses due to pest infestation: analyzing key predictors of farmers’ interest through machine learning
Lisa Höschle, Samuele Trestini, Elisa Giampietri, pp. 535–554
Keywords: risk management, pest infestation, mutual funds, machine learning, LASSO

R&D goal seeking and risk taking in biotechnology R&D investments
Desmond Ng, pp. 555–575
Keywords: risk-taking, aspirations, R&D investments, innovation

Exploring how EU agri-food SMEs approach technology-driven business model innovation
Giustina Pellegrini, Camila Silva de Mattos, Verena Otter, Geoffrey Hagelaar, pp. 577–595
Keywords: technological transformation, drivers, barriers, business-strategies, agri-food SMEs, in-depth interviews

Research Paper

COVID-19 disruptions and pivoting in SMEs in the hidden middle of Kenya’s potato and fish value chains
Diego Naziri, Ben Belton, Sarah Alobo Loison, Thomas Reardon, Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku, Wachira Kaguongo, Kelvin Maina, Erick Ogello, Kevin Obiero, pp. 409–433
Keywords: COVID-19, pivoting, value chains, potatoes, fish, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Kenya

Review Article

How resilience innovations in food supply chains are revolutionizing logistics, wholesale trade, and farm services in developing countries
Thomas Reardon, Rob Vos, pp. 455–466
Keywords: developing countries, food supply chains, pivoting, resilience

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