2016 | VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review
Editorial StaffIFAMR SupportersExecutive Editor's NotePrint Full Issue - PDF Research Farmer-led Seed Enterprise Initiatives to Access Certified Seed for Traditional African Vegetables and its Effect on Incomes in Tanzania Author Video Srinivasulu Rajendran, Victor Afari-Sefa, Daniel Kimani Karanja, Richard Musebe, Dannie Romney, Magesa A. Makaranga, Silvest Samali, and Radegunda Francis Kessy Assessing the Impact of Fresh Vegetable Growers’ Risk Aversion Levels and Risk Preferences on the Probability of Adopting Marketing Contracts: A Bayesian Approach Michael Vassalos and Yingbo Li Employee Perceptions and Expectations of Online Marketing Service Quality: An Investigation of Farmers’ Associations in Taiwan Chao-Chien Chen, Hsiu-Ping Yueh, and Chaoyun Liang Mitigating Risk in the Tuna Supply through Traceability System Development Syarifuddin Mabe Parenreng, Nyoman Pujawan, Putu Dana Karningsih, and Per Engelseth Critical Success Factors for Smallholder Inclusion in High Value-Adding Supply Chains by Food & Agribusiness Multinational Enterprise August R. Sjauw-Koen-Fa, Vincent Blok, and S.W.F. (Onno) Omta Willingness-to-Pay for an Educational Label: The Zamorano University Brand Lindelly A. Rajo, Fredi Arias, Michelle S. Segovia, and Marco A. Palma Return to IFAMR Library
Editorial StaffIFAMR SupportersExecutive Editor's NotePrint Full Issue - PDF
Farmer-led Seed Enterprise Initiatives to Access Certified Seed for Traditional African Vegetables and its Effect on Incomes in Tanzania Author Video Srinivasulu Rajendran, Victor Afari-Sefa, Daniel Kimani Karanja, Richard Musebe, Dannie Romney, Magesa A. Makaranga, Silvest Samali, and Radegunda Francis Kessy
Assessing the Impact of Fresh Vegetable Growers’ Risk Aversion Levels and Risk Preferences on the Probability of Adopting Marketing Contracts: A Bayesian Approach Michael Vassalos and Yingbo Li
Employee Perceptions and Expectations of Online Marketing Service Quality: An Investigation of Farmers’ Associations in Taiwan Chao-Chien Chen, Hsiu-Ping Yueh, and Chaoyun Liang
Mitigating Risk in the Tuna Supply through Traceability System Development Syarifuddin Mabe Parenreng, Nyoman Pujawan, Putu Dana Karningsih, and Per Engelseth
Critical Success Factors for Smallholder Inclusion in High Value-Adding Supply Chains by Food & Agribusiness Multinational Enterprise August R. Sjauw-Koen-Fa, Vincent Blok, and S.W.F. (Onno) Omta
Willingness-to-Pay for an Educational Label: The Zamorano University Brand Lindelly A. Rajo, Fredi Arias, Michelle S. Segovia, and Marco A. Palma
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