2017 | VOLUME 20 ISSUE 2 |SPECIAL ISSUE Agroholdings and Mega Farms in a Global Context |
Editor's Introduction
Keywords: agroholdings, mega farms, integration, farm size |
Industry Speaks
Australian agricultural scale and corporate agroholdings: environmental and climatic impacts
Bradley Plunkett, Andrew Duff, Ross Kingwell, David Feldman (pp. 187–19)
Keywords: climatic variability, large scale agroholdings
Review Articles
Scale farming operations in China
Zuhui Huang, Lijun Guan, Shaosheng Jin (pp. 191–200)
Keywords: China, scale farming operation, farmland transfer, agricultural service
Ownership versus management: the role of farming networks in Argentina
Sebastián I. Senesi, Marcos F. Daziano, Fabio R. Chaddad, Hernán Palau (pp. 221–238)
Keywords: hybrid forms, agroholdings, innovation, institutions, adaptation
Strategic role of corporate transparency: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings
Taras Gagalyuk (pp. 257–278)
Keywords: corporate transparency, agroholdings, ownership structure, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility
Case Study
Ownership versus management: the role of farming networks in Argentina
Sebastián I. Senesi, Marcos F. Daziano, Fabio R. Chaddad, Hernán Palau (pp. 221–238)
Keywords: hybrid forms, agroholdings, innovation, institutions, adaptation
Strategic role of corporate transparency: the case of Ukrainian agroholdings
Taras Gagalyuk (pp. 257–278)
Keywords: corporate transparency, agroholdings, ownership structure, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility
Agency costs and organizational architecture of large corporate farms: evidence from Brazil
Fabio Chaddad, Vladislav Valentinov (pp. 201–220)
Keywords: corporate farms, separation of ownership and control, organizational architecture, corporate governance
Research Article
Incentive provision to farm workers in post-socialist settings: evidence from East Germany and North Kazakhstan
Martin Petrick (pp. 239–256)
Keywords: human resource management, labour supervision, performance pay, post-Soviet agriculture, agroholdings
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