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IFAMA 23rd Annual World Forum and Symposium 

Atlanta, Georgia USA | June 16 - 20, 2013

The Road to 2050: The Talent Factor

Meeting Future Global Needs of Food & Agriculture

2013 Symposium Papers

Conference Video Highlights


Attracting Young people to Agriculture- Clay Sapp

2013 Student case COMPETITION
2013 Student case competition winning team
 **Winning Student Video-Careers in agribusiness

Forum Day 1: Tuesday, June 18th

Connecting the Value: Academia and Industry

Productive partnerships between academia and industry are crucial to attracting,developing and nurturing the next generation of agribusiness leaders and practitioners. Collaborative relationships are essential in order to understand the skills, knowledge and leadership needed to support agribusiness. A holistic and relevant continuum of learning and development can advance the industry in achieving food security today and in the future.

Welcome   Mary Shelman,  IFAMA President, 2011-2013 


The Road to 2050: The Talent Factor    

Meeting future food demands will require developing leaders who will champion agriculture. We will begin our 2013 World Forum with a strategic view of “The Talent Factor” from the leadership of a globally disparate, technology-driven organization.

The Talent Factor  

Hugh Grant, Chairman and CEO, Monsanto

Feeding 9 Billion: A Role for the Educational Pipeline  

Alternative Pathways: How we can attract a new generation of talent to agriculture through Science, Technology, Math and Engineering platforms?

Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Concurrent Sessions

Field Notes: Connected to What’s Needed at the Farm Level  

The CEO of CHS will describe how this Fortune 100 company partners with their owner stakeholders–farmers, ranchers and cooperatives–to successfully execute their business model.

Carl Casale, CEO, CHS Inc.

Talent as a Factor of Risk Management   

What are the business risks to a company if they cannot attract, retain and develop the appropriate talent to achieve their goals? As the world’s largest insurance broker and leading HR service provider, AON Hewitt will lead a discussion on talent as a factor of risk management.

Seymour Adler, Partner, AON Hewitt

Building the Future of Agribusiness in Africa: The Role of Management Education   

This session highlights the enormous wealth creation potential across the agricultural landscape in Africa, and showcases an innovative, contextually relevant management education model to address the identified business,management and leadership skills gap in this dynamic region.

Dinah Hanson, Agribusiness Program Manager, Association of African Business Schools (AABS)
Mandla Nkomo, Interim Country Director, Technoserve South Africa
Bayella Thiam, Manager Africa Region, Novus International, Inc.
Thomas Herlehy – International Development, Land O’Lakes

Women as the Engine of Agriculture in Africa  

Almost 80% of the agricultural labor force in Africa is female, however only 10% to 15% of the continent’s agricultural students are female. African Women in Agriculture Research and Development (AWARD) has established a successful model to support the study and development of talented women agricultural scientists.AWARD fellows partner with sponsoring organizations to complete co-research assignments and professional attachments to work towards the vision of creating food security in sub-Saharan Africa.

Adey Malesse Yalew – AWARD Fellow, Ethiopia
Sarah Mayanja – AWARD Fellow, Uganda
Elizabeth Bandason – AWARD Fellow, Malawi

Forum Day 2: Wednesday, June 19th

Transformative Technologies for Agribusiness

The diversity of technology models available for agribusiness are vast--ranging from mobile technology access in emerging markets to attracting students in non-traditional areas of research and study to contribute their intellectual assets to the field of agriculture. Sharing these models and replicating their success accelerates the mission of achieving global food security.

Opening Keynote

Achieving Food Security   

The employees of DuPont view a food secure world as one where all people at all time shave physical, social, and economic access to sufficient and nutritious food that meets their dietary need and food preferences for a healthy and active life. In this opening keynote, learn how DuPont is working on many fronts towards global food security.

James Borel, Executive Vice President, DuPont

General Sessions

Global Food: Waste Not, Want Not 

Fifty percent of all food produced on the planet is lost to waste before being consumed by people. Wasting food means losing not only life-supporting nutrition bu also precious resources, including land, water and energy. In this discussion,we will explore the potential to provide 100% more food by simply eliminating losses, while simultaneously freeing up land, energy and water resources for other uses.

Tim Fox, Head of Energy & Environment, Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Global Food Report

Mobilizing a New Generation for Agriculture

Since 1928, FFA has prepared future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. They have taught us that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting–it is a science, it is a business and it is an art.

Today, FFA is a highly relevant organization teaching us again, as they demonstrate how to use technology to connect, how to communicate effectively and how to engage and prepare a new generation for positions of leadership in agriculture.

Dwight Armstrong, CEO, National FFA Organization

Student-Industry Agribusiness Seminar

This mini-case session features a facilitated discussion on a current “hot topic” issue designed to promote open dialog among students and agribusiness industry leaders. Each year this Seminar provides a rare networking opportunity for talented students to interact and participate in discussions with executives from leading food and agriculture organizations.

Victoria Salin, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University
Eluned Jones, Professor and Head, Department of Economics, South Dakota State University

Engage Talent to Feed the World  

This panel features recognized leaders in agribusiness academia who are leading groundbreaking programs to inspire, encourage and engage students. The next generation of digital natives and millennials are looking for more than a paycheck through their careers; more than anything they want work that makes a difference. This panel will explore a variety of programs that are engaging anew generation by showcasing agriculture as a noble, purpose-based profession.

Johan Van Rooyen, Director, Centre for Agribusiness Leadership Development, University of Stellenbosch
Marcos Fava Neves, Professor of Strategy and Planning, University Sao Paulo - Presentation
Hannah Carter, Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, University of Florida
Ernesto Gallo, Chairman of Agribusiness, EAP Zamorano University, Honduras - Presentation
Chris Peterson, Director, Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, MSU

SAI Platform: Checklist Global Launch

IFAMA 2013 is proud to host the global launch of Sustainable Agriculture Initiative’s (SAI) Checklist, the world’s first practitioner’s guide to the sustainable sourcing of agricultural raw materials. For more than a decade, SAI has worked with the food industry to develop tools to achieve a constant, increasing and safe supply of agricultural raw materials grown in a sustainable manner.

Ernesto Brovelli, Senior Manager Sustainability, Coca Cola; President, Sustainable Agriculture Initiative

Transforming the Relationship Between Agribusiness and Small Holder Farmers  

Technology is transforming the agribusiness environment in emerging regions of the world. Did you know that the African continent is the world’s fastest-growing mobile phone market on the planet? Mobile phone technologies are presenting small holder farmers with an unprecedented opportunity to run their operations more productively and to grow their own income levels. Join this distinguished panel to learn about some of the exciting technologies that are transforming the lives and businesses of small holder farmers in emerging regions of the world!

Judith Payne, eBusiness Advisor, USAID - Presentation
John Tull, Director of Mobile Agriculture Innovation, Grameen Foundation - Presentation
Shannon Lucas, Enterprise Innovation Manager, Vodafone - Presentation
Bob Boyle, Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG), Deere & Company - Presentation

From Aid to Trade: The Role of Partnerships in Africa  

Join this discussion to learn about the critical role that multi-sector partnerships are playing in the economic development of many countries in Africa. Each of these panelists will bring their own unique perspective and share tangible models of how partnerships can have a transformative impact to move from Aid to Trade.

Eric Trachtenberg, Director, Food and Agriculture Sector, McLarty Associates &
Jim Kolbe, Former U.S. House of Representatives and Foreign Relations Committee Member Presentation
Jonathan White, Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund
Jon Vandenheuvel, CEO, Africa Atlantic Holdings, Ltd.

Student Summit Luncheon

The Student Summit Luncheon showcased the stories of IFAMA-affiliated students whose careers and academic pursuits have benefited through the channel of our organization. Learn about the impact that IFAMA has on the lives of bright,young students around the world.

Mary Shelman, President, IFAMA
Tomas Murtagh, Novus International, Inc
Wuyi Lu, 2012 IFAMA Student Case Competition Winner
Mingxuan Liu, 2012 IFAMA Student Case Competition Winner
Hernan Palau, Faculty of Agriculture Food and Agribusiness Program, University of Buenos Aires
Michael Gunderson, Associate Professor and Associate Director of Research, Purdue University

Concurrent Sessions

Establishing a Common Language: Benchmarking Platforms for Agriculture   

This session is designed to bring together multi-sector leaders across the value chain of agriculture who are working to establish benchmarking standards and definitions for food and agriculture sustainability. As thought leaders in their respective fields, these panelists will address the challenges and opportunities of working towards a global common language for sustainability.

Kevin Igli, Senior VP, Chief EHSO, Tyson Foods
Frank Mitloehner, Director-Livestock Air Quality Program, UC Davis & Chair for Lifecycle Assessment, FAO UN
Hsin Huang, Secretary General, International Meat Secretariat
Ernesto Brovelli, Senior Manager Sustainability, Coca Cola; President, Sustainable Agriculture Initiative

Supply Chains that Create Value and Prevent Waste

This session will address supply chain topics including wastage, transparency and safety. Discussions will center around supply chain optimization with the concept that we have everything we need to feed the world today and in the future by applying the relevant knowledge and technologies.

Tim Fox, Head of Energy & Environment, Institution of Mechanical Engineers  Presentation
Rick Gilmore, President, GIC Group - Presentation
Eric Trachtenberg, Director, Food and Agriculture Sector, McLarty Associates - Presentation
L.N. Balaji, President, ITC Infotech (USA), Inc. - Presentation

Transform Your Future View of Agribusiness Degrees: Global Core Curriculum Programs

Learn how three organizations are approaching the concept of core curriculum programs for agriculture. Participants will be taken through descriptions of three very distinct and innovative models for education, each with the potential to expand the talent pipeline for agriculture and exponentially increase the number of students engaged in agriculture specific learning.

Dinah Hanson, Agribusiness Program Manager, Association of African Business Schools (AABS)
Steve Barkanic, Senior Director, STEM Policy and Programs, Business Higher Education Forum
Jay Jackman, Executive Director, National Association of Agricultural Educators - Presentation

The Global Food Security Index Workshop  

This engaging workshop offers a hands-on tour of the Global Food Security Index, anew, interactive tool developed by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and sponsored by DuPont. Join experts from the EIU as they help you put the Index to work, assessing the core issues of chronic malnutrition and hunger: food affordability, availability, and quality across a set of 105 countries. Part 2 

General Session

Partnering to Foster Sustainability of Animal Agriculture: McDonald’s Vision  

This session highlights the industry and academic partnerships that McDonald’s has set up to address sustainability and technology issues fostering livestock and poultry production. Sustainability projects covering animal welfare, food safety and environmental impacts require a large list of resources from advisors to industry/academia coalitions. One particularly timely and large project that will be discussed is currently conducted by the Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply (CSES), studying housing and technologies around egg laying poultry production.

Frank Mitloehner, Director-Livestock Air Quality Program, UC Davis & Chair for Lifecycle Assessment, FAO UN
Bob Langert, VP Corporate Social Responsibility, McDonald’s
Joy Mench, Professor, University of California Davis

Day 3: Thursday, June 20th

Engaging People with Passion and Purpose: Learn By Doing

Agribusiness is a global, dynamic and purpose-driven industry. The best way to attract talent to our industry is by creating immersive experiences that demonstrate the diverse opportunities available. Learn by doing experiences are impactful and effective, and they are applicable at many levels—from emerging regions to the highest levels of technical knowledge. On our final day together, we will explore how to build talent capacity for agribusiness through Learn by Doing programs that inspire people to engage in agribusiness careers with passion and purpose.

Breakfast with Tomorrow’s Leaders

Clay Sapp, National President, National FFA Organization - Presentation
Tomas Murtagh, Former IFAMA intern, Novus International, Inc. - Presentation
Shingirirai Nyamwanza, Managing Director, Africa 4-H Network
Tifara Brown, Georgia 4-H Clovers & Company


Pass on the Gift: Building Sustainable and Self-Reliant Capacity 

Under the Leadership of Pierre Ferrari, Heifer International has defined a new strategy for capacity building which moves entire communities from sustenance to sustainability. For more than six decades this beloved organization has been“Passing on the Gift” of knowledge to help people improve their quality of life.

Pierre Ferrari, President, Heifer International

General Session

Discovering the Youth Solution  

Does it surprise you to learn that 50% of 4-H members now live in urban environments? Did you know that 4-H is found in more than 70 countries? Around the world over 6 million 4-H youth in urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards and rural farming communities stand out among their peers, building revolutionary opportunities and implementing community-wide change. Learn how 4-H is using Heads, Heart, Hands and Health to engage the next generation.

Don Floyd, President & CEO, National 4-H Council

Concurrent Sessions

Africa - Emerging Market Lessons for the Entire World  

Africa’s population is set to rise to two billion by 2050. The need for mechanization,training, service and support for small and medium scale farmers has never been greater. AGCO believes in the potential of Africa, which is why they have recently announced a $100 million commitment to the continent and established a Global Learning Centre to help empower farmers in Africa to improve their food production levels. Join this session to learn about this world class organization’s plans to grow their business through the training and development of farmers in Africa.

Eric Raby, Vice President of Global Marketing & Commercial Development, AGCO

Today’s Talent Marketplace  

This is not your parent’s Human Resource Function! This dynamic panel will explore the creative and disruptive new ways that HR professionals are engaging internally and externally to attract, recruit and retain top talent.

Greg Duerksen, President, Kincannon and Reed
Loren Heeringa, SVP & Chief Human Resources Officer, Land O’Lakes, Inc.
Daniel Loria, HR Vice President North America, Syngenta
Stacey Valy Panayiotou, Vice President, Talent Development, Organization Effectiveness, Diversity & Inclusion, Coca-Cola

Transforming Livelihoods: Teaching Small Holder Farmers to Access Markets Sustainably  Presentation

After serving as the Minister of Agriculture and the Minster of Finance for the government of Peru, Mr. Benevides has placed his emphasis on helping small holder farmers learn how to access markets to build a sustainable living. Join this session to learn about this tangible, successful model of learning by doing.

Ismael Benavides, Former Minister of Finance and Former Minister of Agriculture, Peru

Open Learning Initiatives  

The aim of the Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative is to combine open,high-quality courses, continuous feedback, and research to improve learning and transform higher education. This next generation, web-based learning approach allows teachers to embed assessment into every instructional activity. Real-time data of student usage is gathered, making it possible to provide corrections, suggestions and cues that are tailored to the individual student’s current performance.

Candace Thille, Director, Open Learning Initiatives, Carnegie Mellon University

Closing Keynote

Core Values for a New Generation

Jeffrey Armstrong leads the distinguished learning community of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, which offers students a hands-on educational experience that prepares them for today’s scientific and technical world. In this closing session, Dr. Armstrong will define for us why the motto of his University “Learn by Doing” sets this institution apart and is central to their continuous growth and success.

Jeffrey Armstrong, President, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Dialogue: How to Win the Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts of Tomorrow’s Talent

Anders Sorman-Nilsson is the founder of Thinque – a strategy think tank that helps executives and leaders convert disruptive questions into proactive, future strategies. As an Australian-Swedish futurist and innovation strategist, he has helped executives and leaders on 4 continents map, prepare and strategize for foreseeable and unpredictable futures. Since founding Thinque in 2005, he has worked with clients including Apple, Johnson & Johnson, Cisco, Eli Lilly, SAP, IBM, Xerox, ABN Amro Bank, Commonwealth Bank, McCann Erickson and BAE Systems, across diverse cultural and geographic contexts. Anders’ closing keynote will be based on his new book “Thinque Funky: Upgrade Your Thinking”.

Anders Sorman-Nilsson, Founder, Thingue

Post–Conference Workshops

The Future of Food Business: The Facts, The Impacts and The Acts

This interactive workshop will lead participants through a discussion regarding food chains and new concepts and ideas on how to increase competitiveness and value within the food and agricultural sectors. Explore methods and tools that can be used by companies to re-structure their innovative market strategies. This workshop will challenge participants to rethink how business is conducted in the food chain and consider new strategies for companies in the food sector.

Marcos Fava Neves, Professor of Planning and Strategy at the School of Business (FEARP) of the University of Sao Paulo

Value Mediation: A New Way to Co-operate for Success  

Are you struggling and wondering how to meet the varying demands of your stakeholders? You know you have to come up with adequate answers to stay in business. You are not the only one. Within the agricultural sector business development is still largely push oriented. A big challenge is to really involve consumers.

Henk van Latesteijn & Sander Mager, Value Mediation Partners, The Netherlands

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