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Welcome to Forum Day 3 (Americas) and Awards

REGIONAL EMCEE: Esteban R. Brenes, Professor of Strategy and Agribusiness, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica

Esteban R. Brenes  kicks off Day 3 of Forum in the Americas. This day begins a preview of the day and the announcement of the Student Case Competition winners given by the representatives from the Student Case Competition sponsors: Bayer and Syngenta. This includes the 2021 Fellows, the transfer of the IFAMA presidency from Hector Laurence to Raj Vardhan and a special invitation to attend the IFAMA 2022Conference in Costa Rica.

Farmers at the Forefront of Carbon Smart Agriculture

INTRODUCTION: Esteban R. Brenes, Professor of Strategy and Agribusiness, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica

  René Castro-Salazar, 
Assistant Director-General, UN-FAO, Italy

Donald Moore, Executive Director, Global Dairy Platform Inc., USA

Jorge Acon Sanchez, President, Grupo Acon, Costa Rica

Robert Acon Sanchez, Assistant General Manager, Grupo Acon, Costa Rica

Rubén Darío Sorto Alvarado, CEO, BioFortune Crops Group, Honduras

FAO’s work on carbon neutral commodities is aimed at the development of climate-smart practices in food systems and support their pathways towards net-zero emissions by 2050, while considering the diversity of agricultural value chains and their contribution to food security and nutrition, strengthening livelihoods and economies around the world. FAO’s program on carbon neutral commodities including tea, coffee, rice and livestock will start in 2021 and to initiate dialogue with relevant stakeholders working towards CO2 neutrality in food systems as first step in this direction.

Carbon Emission and Agriculture in the Mercosur Countries

By Marcelo Regúnaga and Pablo Elverdin

Note: We are including this Special Addendum to the session, Farmers at the Forefront of Carbon Smart Agriculture. A view from the Cone produced for IFAMA 2021 by GPS. Download the paper 

The Future of Protein—Is This Beef’s Kodak Moment?

MODERATOR: Mary Shelman, Shelman Group, USA

INTRODUCTION: Damien McLoughlin, Professor, Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland

Russ Conser
, CEO, Blue Nest Beef, USA

Efrain Resendiz, Chief Development Officer, SuKarne, Mexico
Loick Fenaux, Bright Seed, USA

Justin McNally, Technical Agronomist, Lallemand Plant Care, Canada

The beef industry is having its Kodak moment. New technology, including plant-based and biosynthetic-produced “meat”, apparently offer alternatives that are more attractive to consumers, retailers, policymakers, and investors, threatening the economics of the $330 billion global market.

What comes next? To answer the question of what and who, we introduce a framework based on underlying forces and ask industry incumbents/leaders and fast-growing entrants to share their vision of the future.

Is Latin America the Next AgTech Hotspot?

MODERATOR: Ronald E. Guendel, Global Head of Partnerships – Food Value Chain, Bayer Crop Science, USA

PANELISTS: Dennis Donohue, Director, Western Growers Center for Innovation & Technology, USA

Thad Simons, Founder and Managing Director, The Yield Lab, USA

Eugenia Saini, Executive Secretary, FONTAGRO, USA

The farming sector is currently undergoing radical disruptions that will continue reshaping the future of food. Digitalization, new technologies, government policies, and climate change are poised to disrupt traditional business models. What are the keys to surviving and thriving? What are the implications for food security and addressing climate change in Europe and Africa? This practical session will showcase several examples of digital tools and disruptive technologies in Africa and Europe that benefit stakeholders across the food and agricultural value chain.

Education & Talent—Bold Views from the Boardroom and the Classroom

MODERATORS: Mary ShelmanShelman Group, USA

Edeoba Edobor, Doctoral Student, Purdue University, USA

PANELISTS: Roberto Artavia, President, Consultoría Internacional, Costa Rica

Jay Akridge, Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs and Diversity, Purdue University, USA

Vern Hawkins, Regional Director, North America President, Syngenta Crop Protection, USA

Mark Lyons, President and CEO, Alltech, USA

Tara McCarthy, CEO, Bord Bia (Irish Food Board), Ireland

Competition for top talent will intensify as the pressure to innovate and improve performance continues to grow and the talent pool shrinks. Industry leaders will discuss strategies for recruiting, developing, and retaining the talent necessary to be successful. Visionary educators will present innovative approaches to preparing students who are competent, think strategically, and exhibit sound leadership.

Conference Closing

REGIONAL EMCEE: Esteban R. Brenes, Professor of Strategy and Agribusiness, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica

Esteban recaps the Day 3, the 4 day conference and the extraordinary contributions of the many people working behind the scenes over the last year to make it happen. The session ends with the invitation to attend IFAMA 2022 in Costa Rica and IFAMA members expressing "People Feed the World."

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