Assessing the Status of the Global Dairy Trade
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Editor's Introduction
Assessing the Status of the Global Dairy Trade
Christopher G. Davis and William Hahn
Global Dairy Trade Situation and Outlook
Matthew SaloisGlobal Dairy Trade: Where are We, How Did We Get Here and Where are We Going?
Peter VitalianoThe Effects of Panama Canal Expansion on US Dairy Trade Flows: West, East, and Gulf District Regions
Ekaterina Vorotnikova and Stephen DevadossPrice Transmission in Global Dairy Markets
John NewtonPotential Impacts of Trans-Pacific Partnership on Japanese Cheese Imports
Christopher G. DavisImplications of Trans-Pacific Partnership for the US Dairy Industry
Serhat C. Asci, Mechel Paggi and Fumiko YamazakiEstimating Restrictiveness of SPS Measures for China's Dairy Imports
Hongjun Tao, Jeff Luckstead, Liang Zhao, and Chaoping XieThe Effects of Trade Liberalization on Dairy Trade and Domestic Milk Production in CARICOM
Carlisle A. Pemberton, Hazel Patterson-Andrews, and Afiya De SormeauxThe Role of California and Western US Dairy and Forage Crop Industries in Asian Dairy Markets
William A Matthews, Georgi T. Gabrielyan, Daniel H. Putnam, and Daniel A. SumnerDiversification in Spanish Dairy Farms: Key Drivers of Performance
Antonio Alvarez, Beatriz García-Cornejo, José A. Pérez-Méndez, and David RoibásChina as Dairy Importer: Rising Milk Prices and Production Costs
Fred Gale and Michael JewisonDairy Export Markets: Changing the Structure of US Dairy Demand
Don P. Blayney, Terry L. Crawford, and Christopher G. DavisUnited States and European Union Dairy Farms: Where is the Competitive Edge?
Richard Nehring, Johannes Sauer, Jeffrey Gillespie, and Charlie HallahanFactors Influencing the Dairy Trade from New Zealand
Nicola Shadbolt and Dhananjay Apparao
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