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                                                               Cape Town South Africa | June 16 - 17, 2014     

 Symposium Presenter Biographies     

Monday, June 16

Session A | 8:00am
African Agribusiness 1

Moderator: Julie Pennington

Determinants of Agro - Dealers' Participation in the Loan Market in Nigeria (#1033) PPT
*Best Paper Finalist*
Aderibigbe S. Olomola, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER) (Nigeria)

Market Access for Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Nigeria: What Options? (1122)
Oluwafunmiso (Funso) Adeola Olajide, University of Ibadan (Nigeria)

Place Branding of Game Parks in Swaziland: A New Look at Agritourism (#1161)
Linda Hermansen, Julie Pennington, and Hemant Rustogi, University of Tampa; William Schaefer, Provence Group Inc. (United States)

Comparing Efficiencies of Smallholder Irrigation Farms Under the Land Reform Programme in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (#1098)
Thandoluhle Ndlovu and Ajuruchukwu Obi, University of Fort Hare (South Africa)

Cooperative Participation as a Panacea for Food Insecurity and Profit Inefficiency among Small Scale Farmers in Rural Nigeria: Evidence from Ikenne Local Government Area of Ogun State (#1145)
Daniel Akinola Babalola, Babcock University (Nigeria)

Co-Innovation: What Can We Learn From Three African Food Chains (#1112)
Verena Bitzer, University of Cape Town and Jos Bijman, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

Household’s Willingness To Pay for Safe Non Timber Forest Products at Morikouali-Ye Community Forest in Cameroon (#1135)
Sophie Michelle Eke Balla, University of Yaounde (Cameroon)

Management & Organization

Moderator: J. Ernesto Gallo

Human Capital, Skills, and Talent Development in the South African Fresh Produce Value Chain (#1040)
Jan C. Greyling and Johan Van Rooyen, Centre for Agribusiness Development and Leadership, Stellenbosch University; Hester Vermeulen, Private Researcher; and Marianne vd Laarse, PMA (South Africa)

The Health Effects of Women Empowerment: Recent Evidence from Northern Ghana (#1130)
Kara Ross, Yacob A. Zereyesus, Aleksan Shanoyan and Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Kansas State University (United States)

A Global “Catracho” and a Global “Hoosier” (#1018)
J. Ernesto Gallo, Escuela Agricola Panamericana Zamorano (Honduras)

Understanding Gender-Based Labor Constraints for the Implementation of Conservation Agriculture (#986)
Jacqueline Halbrendt, Steven A. Gray, Aya Kimura, Theodore J.K. Radovich, and Brinton Reed, University of Hawaii at Manoa; and Bir Bahadur Tamang, Local Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development (United States)

Learning-By-Doing: Cost Experience Curves of Midwestern Cooperatives (#1087)
Aleksan Shanoyan, Keith Harris, Brian Briggeman, Kansas State University (United States)

Value Creation in the Agri-Food System (#1107)
Maria Emilia Cucagna, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (United States)

Trade 3

Moderator: Andre Jooste

South Africa’s Agricultural Export Competitiveness in the BRIC Market for Selected Products (#1179)
Masego Moobi and Sifiso Ntombela, National Agricultural Marketing Council (South Africa)

Impact of Export Restrictions on Spatial Price Transmission: Cross Country Comparison of Argentinean and Ukrainian Wheat Markets (#982)
Kateryna Schroeder, University of Missouri, Columbia (United States); Estefanía Puricelli, Buenos Aires Grain Exchange (Argentina)

Analyzing Structural Changes and Trade Impacts In the Tomato Industry (#1159)
Marco A. Palma, Luis A. Ribera, David A. Bessler, and Ron D. Knutson, Texas A&M University (United States)

An Analysis of Beef Market Liberalization in Botswana: A Quantitative Value Chain Approach (#1094)
Kanar Hamza and Karl M. Rich, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs; Derek Baker, Sirak Bahta, and Hikuepi Katjiuongua , International Livestock Research Institute (Norway)

European Requirements for Beef Imports from Latin America – A Study of Their Evolution and Categorization (#990) PPT
Fernanda Kesrouani Lemos and Decio Zylbersztajn, School of Economics and Business, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Effects from Export Taxes and Quantities Restriction on Argentina Beef Exportations (#1011)
Javier Martín Echazarreta, National Institute of Industrial Technology (Argentina)

Marketing & Consumer Choice

Moderator: Catherine Chan-Halbrendt

An Apple A Day: Factors Affecting Fruits and Vegetables Expenditures and Consumption in Northern Ghana (#1131)
Aleksan Shanoyan, Kara Ross, Yacob A. Zereyesus, and Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Kansas State University (United States)

Do Consumers Want Pecans with Improved Antioxidant Properties? (#966)
Jay Lillywhite and Jennifer Simonsen, New Mexico State University (United States)

Consumer Preference for Banana Chip Product Attributes in Cagayan De Oro, Philippines (#994)
Xin Zhang, Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, and Mary Pleasant, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Alma Abacahin and Elma Neyra, Southern Christian College in Philippines (United States)

Direct-To-Consumer Marketing By U.S. Farms (#1128)
Ani Katchova, University of Kentucky, and Stephen Vogel, Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture (United States)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Access to Retail Food Markets (#1127)
Alejandro Bernal and Ram N. Acharya, New Mexico State University (United States)

Preferences for CSR Activities in the German Poultry Sector: Results of a Consumer Survey (#1049)
Henrike Mueller and Ludwig Theuvsen, University of Goettingen (Germany)

Wowbutter: Creating Opportunity from Restrictions (#1056)
Jessica Kelly and Andreas Boecker, University of Guelph (Canada)

Value Chains

Moderator: Marcos Daziano

Plural Forms in Argentina’s Processed Vegetables Agribusiness: The Frozen Vegetable and Processed Potato Industries (#970)
Marcos F. Daziano, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

The Case of the Supply Chain of a Buyer Company Sleeve in Brazil (#1114)
Marcos Fava Neves, University of São Paulo; Julio Kyosen Nakatani, University of São Paulo; Carla C. Martoni Pereira Gomes, FEA/University of São Paulo; and Vinicius Gustavo Trombin, FEA/University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Measuring Levels of Loyalty for Large U.S. Agricultural Producers (#1086) PPT
Jacqueline K. Holland, Michael S. Delgado, David A. Widmar, Michael A. Gunderson, Purdue University (United States)

The Evolving Role of Supplying and Demanding Companies in Food Chains: Analysis for Strategic Planning Applied to the Soybean Complex in Argentina (#971)
Sebastián Ignacio Senesi and Marcos F. Daziano, University of Buenos Aires; Evangelina Gabriela Dulce, Food and Agribusiness Program (Argentina)

Adaptability of Agribusiness Companies to External Turbulences: A Methodology for its Analysis, Quantification, Diagnosis, and Intervention (#1050)
Gustavo Napolitano and Sebastián Ignacio Senesi, University of Buenos Aires; M. Fullana, Private Co

Markets and the Economy

Moderator: Rias Ahmad

Interlinkages: Domestic Agricultural Economy and Commodity Price Volatility in BRICs (#1095)
Shveta Kaul and Mahi Natani, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (India)

Beef and Milk Price Links in Turkey (#1000) PPT
Sayed H. Saghaian, University of Kentucky (United States); Gökhan Özertan, Bogaziçi University (Turkey); Hasan Tekguc, Mardin Artuklu University (Turkey)

Dynamics of Price Transmission and Market Power in the Turkish Beef Sector (#1001) PPT
Sayed H. Saghaian, University of Kentucky (United States); Gökhan Özertan, Bogaziçi University (Turkey); Hasan Tekguc, Mardin Artuklu University (Turkey)

Interlinkages of Agricultural Retail Strategies (#1138)
John Lai and Allan W. Gray, Purdue University (United States)

Short-term Acreage Forecasting Model for Key Staple Food Commodities in Major Producer Countries (#974)
Mekbib G. Haile, Jan Brockhaus, Matthias Kalkuhl, and Joachim von Braun, Center for Development Research ZEF (Germany)

Assessing the Impact of Food Safety Information on U.S. Meat Demand: An Internet Search Engine Data Based Approach (#1141)
Ruoxi Lu, Texas A&M University (United States)

Countering Dynamics/Trends: Technology for Production and Commercialization of Grains in Argentina (#1143)
Ramiro Guillermo Costa, Esteban Copati, and Pablo Figueroa, Buenos Aires Grain

Case Study Showcase 1

Bioceres: Ag Biotechnology from Argentina Case (#979)
Roberto Feeney (Argentina)

The case is set in February 2012 in the city of Rosario, Argentina, where CEO of Bioceres, Federico Trucco,is about to hold a meeting with his company’s Board of Directors. The purpose is to reach a decision whether to sign a joint venture agreement with an American firm called Arcadia, for the development and commercialization of a new transgenic technology for soybean crops.

Monday, June 16

Session B | 10:15am

Food Security 1

Moderator: Ram Acharya

Mapping Hunger Vulnerability and Food Assistance: An Application of a Geographical Information System (GIS) (#1085)
Gregory A. Baker and Christopher Bacon, Santa Clara University (United States)

Transmission of World Food Prices to Domestic Markets: The Ethiopian Case (#1021)
Zerihun Getachew Kelbore, University of South Africa, Bureau of Market Research (South Africa)

Food Insecurity and Its Impact on Human Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (#1116)
Ram N. Acharya, New Mexico State University (United States)

Bridging the International and U.S. Food Security Research Areas (#1140)
Craig Gundersen, University of Illinois (United States)

The Link Between Agribusiness and Rural Household Food Security: Evidence from the Limpopo Province of South Africa (#1039)
Luc D’haese, University of Ghent (Belgium); Johan Van Rooyen and Nick Vink, Centre for Agribusiness Development and Leadership, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

Bearers of Bad News: The Effects of Alternative Nutritional Labeling Schemes on Consumer Health Perceptions (#1090)
Gregory A. Baker, Brian Avants, Shelby McIntyre, and William Sundstrom, Santa Clara University (United States)

Value Chain Development in African Agribusiness

Moderator: Johan van Rooyen

Negotiating Sustainable Partnerships in the Food Supply Chain (#978)
Artavazd Hakobyan, World Bank (United States)

Tracking Mobile-Learning Hubs of Innovation Networks: Information, Knowledge Sharing and Social Learning Dynamics in Multi-Stakeholder Innovation Platforms in Sub-Saharan Africa (#1167)
Silvia Andrea Perez Perdomo, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

From Subsistence to Commercial Production: Factors Affecting Smallholder Bean and Cowpea Producers Market Participation in Zambia (#1133)
Kara Ross, Aleksan Shanoyan, Vincent Amanor-Boadu, and Yacob A. Zereyesus , Kansas State University (United States)

Analyzing Smallholders’ Agribusiness Risk Attitudes/Profiles in Stellenbosch District, South Africa (#1031)
Simpiwe Tshoni and Johan Van Rooyen, Centre for Agribusiness Development and Leadership, Stellenbosch University; and Jan Theron, Western Cape Department of Agriculture (South Africa)

Determinants of Profit Efficiency among Smallholder Beef Producers in Botswana (#1007)
Sirak Bahta and Derek Baker, International Livestock Research Institute (Botswana)

Value Chains

Moderator: Andrew Louw

Supply Chain Risks for Smallholder Fresh Produce Farmers in Gauteng, South Africa (#1006)
Andre Louw, University of Pretoria (South Africa)

Sourcing Agricultural Produce from Southern Mediterranean Countries to the EU: Evidence from a Buyer Survey (#962)
Samir Mili, Spanish National Research Council (Spain)

The Hybrid Value Chain Framework: A Tool for Agrifood Chain Investigations (#1026)
Kim Bryceson and Anne Ross, University of Queensland (Australia)

Co-Opetition and Agribusiness Firms’ Performance: An Analysis on the Supply Chain Relationship (#1052)
Juan C. Pérez-Mesa, Ángeles Godoy-Durán, Emilio Galdeano-Gómez, and José Ángel Aznar-Sánchez, Universidad de Almería (Spain)

Total Factor Productivity of the Safrinha Succession Crop System in Mato Grosso, Brazil (#1177)
Krystal Montesdeoca and Peter Goldsmith, University of Illinois (United States)

Vertical Super-Intensive Fish-Farming Technology (Vertical Sift) (#1162)
Torbjorn Trondsen, University of Tromso (Norway)

Agribusiness Firms & Organizations

Moderator: Gerry Kouwenhoven

Analysis of the Influence of the Income Variability of a Grain Storage on the Financial Viability of the Investment In Mato Grosso, Brazil (#1175) PPT
Otavio Lemos De Melo Celidonio, Elisa Mauro Gomes, and Daniel Latorraca Ferreira, IMEA; Leandro Augusto Alves, UFGRS; and Taina Heinzmann, IMEA (Brazil)

Management Intent and Perception Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Agri-Food Business Cases (#1080)
Peter Schiessl, and Getachew Abate Kassa, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Cash Holdings and Implications for the Boundaries of the Firm: Evidence from U.S. Agribusinesses (#1089)
Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech, Universidad Panamericana at Guadalajara, Mexico and Purdue University; Michael A. Gunderson, Timothy G. Baker, Allan W. Gray, and Michael Boehlje, Purdue University (United States)

Agri-Food Cooperatives in the European Union: From Community Organizations to Global Businesses (#1110)
Jos Bijman, Wageningen University; George Hendrikse, RSM Erasmus University (Netherlands)

Go-To-Market Strategy for Innovative Product Offerings Within Food and Agribusiness Sector (#1035)
Vijayender R. Nalla, Gerry A.M. Kouwenhoven, Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)

Technology Adoption Process as an Enabler of Value Innovation Within Food and Agribusiness Chains (#1042)
Vijayender R. Nalla, Thomas Lossonczy Von Losoncz, and Gerry Kouwenhoven, Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)


Moderator: Andreas Boecker

Factors Affecting the Frequency of Selling of Farm Produce: Evidence from Uttar Pradesh, India (#976) PPT
Jabir Ali, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow; Sushil Kumar, Indian Institute of Management (India)

Agricultural Supply Management and Antitrust in the United States System of Agribusiness (#983) PPT
* Best Paper Finalist *
Yuliya Bolotova, Clemson University (United States)

 Where Do We Go From Here? Marketing Choices of Canadian Wheat Producers in a Newly Opened Market (#1051) PPT
Geoffrey D. Backman and Eric Micheels, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)

Capturing Consumer Preferences for Value Chain Improvements in the Mango Industry of Pakistan (#1009)
Hammad Badar, Anoma Ariyawardana, and Ray Collins, University of Queensland (Australia)

An Analysis of Payment Systems in Agricultural Contracts in the United States (#1062)
Yuliya Bolotova, Clemson University (United States)

Competitive Strategies Among Direct Marketers in the Ontario Agri-Food Sector (#1105)
Eric Micheels, University of Saskatchewan, and Andreas Boecker, University of Guelph (Canada)

Agribusiness Management

Moderator: Brent Ross

Assessing Willingness to Produce Energy Crops in the Midwestern United States (#1164)
Guilherme Signorini, Brent Ross, David L. Ortega, and H. Christopher Peterson, Michigan State University (United States)

 Large Farmers’ Business Models in Argentina  (#977)
Roberto Juan Feeney, Austral University (Argentina)

Determinants of Smallholders’ Participation in Farmer-Led Vegetable Seed Enterprises: A Case Study of Tanzania (#1152)
Srinivasulu Rajendran, Victor Afari-Sefa, and Radegunda Francis Kessy, AVRDC -The World Vegetable Center Eastern and Southern Africa (Tanzania); Daniel Kimani Karanja, Richard Musebe, and Dannie Romney, CABI (Kenya); Megesa A Makaranga, INADES - Formation Tanzania-African Institute for Economic and Social Development (Tanzania); Silvesta Samali, HORTI-Rengeru, (Tanzania)

Profitability Analysis of Certified Seed Maize Production in Ejura-Sekyedumasi District, Ghana (#1157)
Robert Aidoo, Gyiele Kwaku Nurah, James Osei Mensah, and Charlotte Owusu, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science And Technology (Ghana)

Perspectives and Scenarios for the Cotton Chain (#1123)
Marcos Fava Neves, Mairun Junqueira Alves Pinto, Julio Kyosen Nakatani, Jonny Mateus Rodrigues, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Brand Equity in Agribusiness Commodities: Consumers’ Perceptions And Attitudes About Pork (Brazilian Versus Imported) (#1079)
Ricardo Osorio De Oliveira, Eduardo Eugênio Spers, ESPM (Brazil)

Case Study Showcase 2

Integrated Protein Supply Chain: Franchising a Sustainable Development Initiative (#1169)
Francesco Braga, University of Guelph (Canada), Tricia Beal, Novus International (USA) and Bayella Thiam, Novus International, Africa

Novus International is supporting animal agriculture in Africa with a multi-step strategy: the delivery of reliable nutritional solutions, attending to the needs of small farmers, and providing technical instruction and educational opportunities. A mobile communication technology was introduced into East Africa in 2012 to enable mobile phone communications with customers. Farmers using NENO get knowledge and practical advise through their phones.  After a successful pilot project, Novus plans to extend the pilot to Nigeria.This case is positioned at the time of the proposed expansion into Nigeria, before the final outcome is decided. The case will challenge readers to reflect on the innovative, inclusive and modern approach that Novus follows, its value structure, and how it will be implemented before moving to the decision point as to whether introducing NENO to Nigeria is a sound business strategy.  

Monday, June 16

Interactive Research Poster Presentations 

Marketing of Some Cassava Derivatives in Abia State of Nigeria (#1200)
Oscar Obasi, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (Nigeria)

Impact of the Influx of Syrian Refugees on Jordan’s Northern Badia Food Security (#965)
Jay Lillywhite, New Mexico State University (United States);Ismaiel Abuamoud, Hashemite University; Mohammad Al-Oun, Jordan National Centre For Research and Development (Jordan); Jennifer Simonsen, New Mexico State University (United States)

Preferences of Consumers for Peanut Butter Product Attributes in North Cotabato, Philippines (#1147)
Lusille C. Mission, Southern Christian College of Philippines; Mary Pleasant and Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii at Manoa; and Mae Mission, Katingawan Adventist Academy (Philippines)

Consumer Preference for Coco Sugar Product Attributes in Palma (Pigcawayan, Aleosan, Libungan, Midsayap, Alamada) Area, Cotabato, Philippines (#1148)
Maria Estela Monette Flauta, Violeta Bello, and Elma Neyra, Southern Christian College of Philippines (Philippines); Jonard Gatchalian, Local Government Unit; and Catherine Chan-Halbrendt and Mary Pleasant, University of Hawaii at Manoa (United States)

Grower Profitability Associated with Biofortifying Pecans with Antioxidant Nutrients (#967)
Jay Lillywhite and Jennifer Simonsen, New Mexico State University (United States)

Does Nutrition Education Influence Consumer Preferences for Antioxidant Biofortified Pecans? (#968)
Jay Lillywhite and Jennifer Simonsen, New Mexico State University (United States)

Future Internet: Challenges and Opportunities from a European Perspective (#1181)
Gerhard Schiefer, University of Bonn (Germany)

An Inclusive Agribusiness “Proto Type”: The Case of a Private Sector Business Initiative Supported by Technoserve in Zimbabwe (#1044)
Maxwell Mutema, Technoserve and Pamela Chiromo, Technoserve (Zimbabwe)

Consumer Knowledge, Perceptions, Consumption Patterns and Quality Assessment of "Sobolo" (Roselle Sabdariffa Drink) in Southern Ghana (#1158)
Mavis Owureku-Asare, Joyce Agyei-Amponsah, Wisdom S.K Agbemavor, and Fidelis Ocloo, Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute- GAEC  (Ghana); Firibu Saalia, University of Ghana (Ghana)

Using Dairy Hubs to Improve Farmers’ Access to Milk Markets in Kenya: Gender and Its Implications (#1180)
Immaculate A. Omondi, Icipe; Isabelle Baltenweck, International Livestock Research Institute; Siegfried Bauer, Justus Liebig University; Kerstin K. Zander, Charles Darwin University (Kenya)

New Mexico’s Wine Industry: Understanding Winery Differences (#1184)
Bernd Maier, William Gorman, and Jay Lillywhite, New Mexico State University (United States)

Dynamics of Structure In the Brazilian Chicken Meat Industry (#1178)
Carlos Alberto Oliveira, Agricultural and Livestock Research Foundation – FEPAGRO; Vitor Francisco Dalla Corte, Dieisson Pivoto, Maria Isabel Fernandes Finger, and Paulo Waquil, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazil)

The Effects of Free Trade Agreement on EU Agricultural Imports From the US (#1083)
Jyrki Sakari Niemi and Ellen Huan-Niemi, MTT Agrifood Research (Finland)

Gamis 3 (#1016)
J. Ernesto Gallo, Escuela Agricola Panamericana Zamorano (Honduras)

The Unmaking of the Cocoa Farmer: Analysis of Benefits and Challenges of Third-Party Audited Certification Schemes for Cocoa Producers and Laborers in Ghana (#1069)
A. Deppeler and I. Fromm, Bern University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland); R. Aidoo, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana)

Improvement of the Rwanda Pyrethrum Value Chain: Technology Transfer and Market-Driven Incentives for Farmer Cooperatives (#1176)
Joseph N. King, Texas A&M University (United States) 

Consumer Preference for Virgin Coconut Oil Product Attributes In Midsayap Cotabato, Philippines (#1150)
Angelita Barrato, Southern Christian College of Philippines; Mary Pleasant and Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Elma Neyra and Violeta Bello, Southern Christian College of Philippines (Philippines)

Consumer Preference for Coffee Product Attributes in Mindanao, Philippines (#1151)
Michelle Ragocos-Ortez, Southern Christian College of Philippines (Philippines); Mary Pleasant and Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii at Manoa (United States)

Sustainable Meat Marketing: Is There Evidence of Consumer Confusion? (#1121)
Andreas Boecker, University of Guelph (Canada)

A Comparative Analysis of the Feasibility of Implementing a Soycow or Vitagoat System for Enhancing Experiential Education Programs in Ghana (#1172)
Stephen McGary, Jeremy R. Slade, Jennifer Smith, Brandon Webster, Amanda Kilburn, Rhett Miller, Jessica Bahr, and Spencer Peterson, Brigham Young University-Idaho (United States)

Managerial Capabilities: Assessing Competencies, Skills & Behaviors (#1064)
John Lai and Michael Boehlje, Purdue University (United States)

Ambidextrous Management in Multi-stakeholder Innovation Platforms (IPs) for Dealing with Societal Paradoxes (#1185)
Silvia Andrea Perez Perdomo, Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program-CIAT-Africa, Wageningen University; Andrew Farrow, Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program-CIAT-Africa

Can Moringa Plant Products be Used to Address Food Insecurity and Malnutrition in South African Rural Communities (#1186)
M.S. Lekgau

Monday, June 16

Session C | 1:45pm

Marketing Issues

Moderator: Dee Von Bailey

E. Coli and Fresh Produce: Comparing Media Coverage and Market Effects in the U.S. and in Germany (#1022)
Vera Bitsch, Nevena Kokovic and Meike Rombach, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Supply-Based Food Waste in the Food Service Industry: The Case of Milestones Restaurants (#959)
Sylvain Charlebois, Amy Creedy, and Mike Von Massow, University of Guelph (Canada)

Consumer Awareness of Food Fortification in Kenya: The Case of Vitamin-A-Fortified Sugar (#969) PPT
Kennedy Otieno Pambo, University of Nairobi (Kenya)

Connecting Sensory Quality Characteristics and Local Designations to Willingness to Pay for Cheese at the Retail Level (#956)
Ryan N. Barnes, Ryan C. Bosworth, DeeVon Bailey, Kynda R. Curtis, Utah State University (United States)

Consumer Knowledge, Perceptions, Consumption Patterns and Quality Assessment of "Sobolo" (Roselle Sabdariffa Drink) in Southern Ghana (#1158)
Mavis Owureku-Asare, Joyce Agyei-Amponsah, Wisdom S.K Agbemavor, and Fidelis Ocloo, Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute- GAEC  (Ghana); Firibu Saalia, University of Ghana (Ghana)

Investing in a Brighter Future Today: Determining the Factors That Influence Child Well-Being in Northern Ghana (#1118)
Yacob A. Zereyesus, Kansas State University (United States)

Linking Women’s Empowerment and Child Well-Being in Northern Ghana (#1132)
Yacob A. Zereyesus, Kansas State University (United States)

Emerging Issues

Moderator: Ajuruchukwu Obi

Global Supply Chain Conflict Resolution, Security, and Safety in Expanding Value Chains In Africa and the NAFTA Regions (#1142)
Eric P. Thor, Arizona State University Poly Campus (United States)

Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Small-Scale Maize Producers in Tsolo Magisterial District in O.R. Tambo District in the Eastern Cape of South Africa (#1106)
Richard Avuletey and Ajuruchukwu Obi, University of Fort Hare (South Africa)

Awareness and Attitudes Towards Sustainability Labels: An Analysis of University Students in the South of Italy (#1010)
Maria Carmela Aprile, Luigi Aldieri, Angela Mariani, University of Naples Parthenope (Italy)

Local Food in New Zealand: Myth or Reality? (#1020)
Sayaka Hiroki, Elena Garnevska, and Sarah McLaren, Massey University (New Zealand)

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives and Drivers in the New Zealand Wine Industry (#1019)
Elena Garnevska and Sarah McLaren, Massey University (New Zealand)

Farmers’ Preferences for Management Options of a Payment for Environmental Services Scheme (#1097)
Lily Kisaka, and Ajuruchukwu Obi, University of Fort Hare (South Africa)

Production and Sustainability

Moderator: Marcos Fava Neves

Sugar Cane as a Promoter of Development: The Cases of Quirinopolis and Uberaba (#1120)
Marcos Fava Neves, University of São Paulo; Rafael Bordonal Kalaki, Fea; Tassia Gerbasi, Markestrat; Mairun Junqueira Alves Pinto, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Agriculture Diversification and Its Determinants in India (#1136)
Sushil Kumar and Jabir Ali, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (India)

Actual Changes in the Sugar Cane Chain: Challenges and Directions for Producers Associations (#1036)
Tassia Gerbasi, University of São Paulo; Luciano Thomé E. Castro, Markestrat; Marcos Fava Neves, University of Sao Paulo; Carla C. Martoni Pereira Gomes, Fearp USP (Brazil)

Integrating Green Growth Strategies in Zimbabwe’s Agribusiness Industry: Value Chain Competitiveness and Managerial Implications (#975)
Blessing Maumbe, Massey University (New Zealand); Veronica Nonhlahla Gundu Jakarasi, Ministry of Environment (Zimbabwe)

Alleviation of Soil and Plant Stress Syndrome by Means of Conservation Tillage and Application of Biofertilizers in Soil Dependent Crop Production Systems (#1071)
Anthony Meldal-Johnsen, Johnsen Soil Sciences (South Africa)

Tanzanian Smallholder Farmers and Food Security (#1015)
Hector Hernandez and Ram Acharya, New Mexico State University (United States)

Development and Management of a Bio-Energy Supply Chain through Collective Action (#1190)
* Best Paper Finalist *
Luigi Cembalo, University of Naples, Federico II; Stefano Pascucci, Wageningen University; Carolina Tagliafierro, University of Naples,Federico II; and Francesco Caracciolo, Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy (Italy)

African Agribusiness 2

Moderator: Johannes Van Der Merwe

Crossways Farm Village and Rural Economic Integration Strategies for South Africa (#1113)
Joseph N. King and Edwin C. Price, Texas A&M University (United States); Christiaan E. Mulder (South Africa)

Measuring and Analyzing Trade and Comparative Competitive Performance in the South African Stone Fruit Value Chain (#1025)
Johann Boonzaaier and Johan Van Rooyen, Centre for Agribusiness Development and Leadership, Stellenbosch University; and Anton Rabe, HortGro (South Africa)

South African Wheat Industry: Proposed Alterations to the Wheat Cultivar Release Criteria in South Africa (#1013)
Johannes Daniël Van Der Merwe, Philippus Christoffel Cloete, and Herman Daniël Van Schalkwyk, North West University (South Africa)

Analysing the Competitiveness of the South African Apple Industry Value Chain, 1990 - 2012 (#1023)
Asanda Jafta and Johan Van Rooyen, Centre for Agribusiness Development and Leadership, Stellenbosch University; and Peter George Dall, Apple Industry Consultant and Farmer (South Africa)

The Economic Development-Energy Needs System: A Simulation of Alternative Futures for Ghana (#1139)
Frank Kyekyeku Nti and Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Kansas State University (United States)

Legitimization and Hybridization of Business in Africa under Social and Political Pressure for Food Security (#1092)
Domenico Dentoni and Jessica Duncan, Wageningen University; Verena Bitzer, Capetown Graduate Business School; Dimitrios Mitsopoulos, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

The Impact of Urban Agriculture on Poverty Alleviation in Mdantsane Township (#1104)
Tshifhiwa Labase and Ajuruchukwu Obi, University of Fort Hare (South Africa)

Post-Harvest Management

Moderator: Victoria Salin

Reducing Post-Harvest Food Losses in Developing Economies by Using a Network of Excellence as an Intervention Tool (#988)
Lusine H. Aramyan and Bart Van Gogh, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

Why Are Food Waste Reduction Strategies Not Implemented? Evidence from the Netherlands, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Benin, Mali and Mexico (#1038)
Lusine Aramyan and Yuca Waarts, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

Effect of Pretreatment on Physicochemical Quality Characteristics of Dried Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) (#1156)
Mavis Owureku-Asare, Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute GAEC (Ghana); Firibu Saalia, University of Ghana (Ghana); Juan Li, Luis Epinoza, Luis Alfaro, and Subramaniam Sathivel, Louisiana State University (United States)

Food Losses and Waste in the Armenian Agri-Food Chains (#1134)
Vardan Urutyan, International Center For Agribusiness Research and Education (Armenia)

RFID and DNA Enabled Traceability Opportunities in the Organic Pork Supply Chain in the Netherlands (#1032)
Janne Denolf, Jacques Trienekens, Nel Wognum, Onno Omta, Jack Van Der Vorst, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

 Good Cold Chain Management of the South African Summer Fruit Export Cold Chain (#981)
Esbeth Van Dyk, CSIR Built Environment; Laura Haasbroek, Leila Goedhals-Gerber, Malcolm Dodd, and Heinri Freiboth, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

Livestock and Animal Treatment

Moderator: John Nichols

Improved Customer Orientation through Food Labelling: An Assessment of Selected European Animal Welfare Labels for Pork (#1012)
Wiebke Pirsich, Heinke Heise, and Ludwig Theuvsen, Georg-August-University of Goettingen (Germany) 

Financial Impact of Animal Welfare Improvements in Dutch Broiler Production (#1047)
Eva Gocsik, Alfons Oude Lansink, and Helmut Saatkamp, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

On the Impact of Citizen Perceptions of Pictures from Intensive Broiler Fattening Systems on Animal Welfare Communication Strategies  (#999)
Gesa Busch and Achim Spiller, University of Goettingen (Germany)

Evaluating the South African Pork Value Chain (#1008)
Tracy Davids, Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy - University of Pretoria, Andre Jooste, Potatoes South Africa, Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy, University of Pretoria (South Africa)

Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Different Dairy Housing Systems and Implications for Pasture-Raised Milk Marketing (#992) PPT
Ramona Anita Weinrich, Sarah Kuehl, and Achim Spiller University of Goettingen (Germany); Anke Zuehlsdorf, Agrifood Consulting GMBH (Germany)

Building Competitive Sustainable Advantage in the Beef Industry in Sub Saharan Africa - Case Study of Zambeef Private Limited Corporation (#973)
Belindah Chilala, Blessing Maumbe, and Nicola Mary Shadbolt, Massey University (New Zealand)

Case Study Showcase 3

Syngenta: Changing a Global Company (#1002)
Elizabeth Yeager, W. Scott Downey, and David A. Widmar, Purdue University

Syngenta customers are facing increasing costs, price volatility and risk for their production. To help customers deal with these challenges, the company announced the integration of seed and crop protection in early 2011. The "One Syngenta” strategy had three objectives: Innovate, Integrate, and Outperform. In North America, the company’s second largest region, the company faced two challenges: the non-exclusive distributors Syngenta sells through would need to carry Syngenta’s message to farmers and the internal culture of Syngenta’s marketing organization in North America would have to shift from specialists to generalists. The specific objectives of this case are to understand the strategic change Syngenta made as it shifted from a product (seed and crop protection) focus to a crop-based focus, assess how a global business can “think like a grower” and move from a product leadership discipline to a customer intimacy discipline.

Monday, June 16

Session D | 3:45pm
Sustainable Development

Moderator: Kenneth Harling

Sustainability of Agriculture through Genetic Manipulation (#955)
Kenneth Harling, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

An Empirical Investigation into the Adoption of Green Procurement Practices in the German Food Service Industry (#1091)
* Best Paper Finalist *
Verena Hauschildt, University of Hamburg; Birgit Schulze, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Zu Kiel (Germany)

Buddhist Economics Meets Agritourism: A Pilot Study on Running a One Rai Farm to Gain a One Hundred Thousand Baht Return (#1137) PPT
Wanna Prayukvong, The Network Of NGO - Business Partnerships for Sustainable Development; Nara Huttasin, Ubon Rajathanee University (Thailand)

Integrated Climate Change Impact Assessment for Maize Production: Case from Namibia, Zambezi Region (#993)
Mogos Yakob Teweldemedhin, Polytechnic of Namibia (Namibia)

Analysis of Proposed Economic Interventions to Assist in Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change on Pastoralist Communities in the Borana Plateau of Ethiopia (#957)
Brigham Forrest, Utah State University and the Royal Agricultural University; DeeVon Bailey, Ruby Ward, and D. Layne Coppock, Utah State University (United States)

The Road to 2050: Strategies for Financing Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Agribusinesses in Africa for Food Security and Abject Poverty Alleviation (#958)
Robert Aori Nyambati, University College London (United Kingdom)

Desalination: The Red Sea-Dead Sea Conveyor Project (#1055) PPT
Emily Thor, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

Human Capital

Moderator: Jeremy Slade

 Mother Nature and Father Market: Using an Agribusiness Simulation for Human Capital Development   (#985)
Dennis Conley, University of Nebraska – Lincoln (United States)

Understanding Chinese Characteristics: Cross-Cultural Relationships in New Zealand Agri-Food Business Operating in China (#991)
Xiaomeng Lucock, Keith Woodford, and Malcolm Cone, Department of Agricultural Management and Property Studies, Lincoln University (New Zealand)

Development of an Agribusiness Certificate for International Students Enrolled in Online Degree Programs with Specific Applications in Ghana (#1171)
Jeremy R. Slade, Stephen McGary, Rick Hirschi, Avery Robertson, and Garret Nelson, Brigham Young University-Idaho (United States)

Managing Co-Operative Farming: A Case of Gambhira Collective Farming Society (#1072) PPT
N. T. Sudarshan Naidu, Assistant Professor, School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Shiv Nadar University (India)

Impact of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms on Entrepreneurship Development in Uganda (#1067)
Noor Ali Amir Ali, Wageningen University (Netherlands)

Conceptualizing Out-Of-School Youth Entrepreneurship in Mindanao, Philippines:  A Case Study (#1088)
Cynthia Lai and Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Domenico Dentoni, Wageningen University; Elma Neyra, Southern Christian College (United States)

 Human Capital Challenges Faced by Foreign Agribusinesses: A Comparison of Ghana and South Africa   (#1063)
Iuliia Protopop, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (United States)

Forecasting and Investing

Moderator: Eric Micheels

Forecasting Model for the Production and Consumption of Cotton Fiber Versus Polyester (#1173) PPT
Elisa Mauro Gomes, Otávio Celidônio, and Daniel Latorraca Ferreira, Imea (Brazil)

Plural Forms Approach: A Theoretical Framework in an Argentinean Horticulture Company (#1043)
Sebastián Ignacio Senesi and Marcos F. Daziano, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

The Discovery and Exploitation of Opportunities in the Dairy Industry (#1017) PPT
Eduardo Eder Pina and Eric Micheels, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)

Sugar-Ethanol Option: Choosing the Stochastically Dominant Strategy for Investors (#1014)
J. Ernesto Gallo, Escuela Agricola Panamericana Zamorano (Honduras)

How Can Logistic Regression Help Determine the Probability of Default of an Agribusiness Loan? (#1155)
Emile Salame (Lebanon)

Foreseeing the Finnish Agrifood Sector by Using Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (#996)
Ellen Huan-Niemi, Jyrki Sakari Niemi, Pasi Rikkonen, and Olli Wuori, MTT Agrifood Research (Finland); Janne Niemi, Goverment Institute for Economic Research (VATT) (Finland)

Exploring the International Competitiveness of Indian Sugar Sector (#1103)
Kriti Bardhan Gupta, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (India)

Institutions and Policies

Moderator: Keith D. Harris

Is There A Weakest Link? An Application of the Innovation Value Chain Concept to Ontario Farm Businesses (#1126)
Andreas Boecker, University of Guelph and Eric Micheels, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)

Perceptions Towards the Adoption of Quality Assurance Systems in the Food Processing Industry in Western Australia (#1003)
Peter J. Batt, Peter J. Batt and Associates (Australia)

Measuring Market Power in Bilateral Oligopoly: The Brazilian Wholesale Market for UHT Milk (#964) PPT
Paulo Roberto Scalco, Federal University of Goiás; Marcelo Braga, Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil)

The Use of Reverse and Combinatorial Auctions for Multi-Attribute Purchasing in U.S. Corn Sweetener Industry (#997)
Keith D. Harris and Arlo Biere, Kansas State University (United States)

Impacts of Export Restrictions on Ukrainian Wheat Trade: A Stochastic Partial Equilibrium Approach (#980)
Kateryna Schroeder, University of Missouri, Columbia; William H. Meyers, University of Missouri (United States)

Global Wheat Production and Changes In the Amounts Donated To World Food Program (#1101)
Luis Henrique Camfield, Igor Senger,and Homero Dewes, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazil)

African Agribusiness 3

Moderator: Andrew Jooste

Intellectual Property and Institutional Innovation for Value Chains in Africa: Models for Wheat in Tanzania (#1076)
Joseph N. King, Texas A&M University (United States)

Gender-Sensitive Value Chain Development and Analysis - Case Study of Goat Yogurt Production In Mgeta, Tanzania (#1081)
Helene Lie and Gry Synnevåg, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)

Developments and Competitiveness of the Mozambique Chicken Meat Industry (#1108)
Carlos Alberto Oliveira, Agricultural and Livestock Research Foundation – FEPAGRO; Dieisson Pivoto, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, and Caroline Spanhol, Federal University (Brazil)

Determining the Agricultural Output Gap and Its Link with Food Price Dynamics in South Africa (#995) PPT
L.S. Londiwe Thabethe and Bonani Nyhodo, National Agricultural Marketing Council (South Africa)

What Do South Africa’s AgriculturalProducts Imply for its Economic Growth (#1004)
Ernst Idsardi, Herman Van Schalkwyk, Wilma Viviers, and David Cornelius Spies, North-West University (South Africa)

Examining the Economic Effects of Cross-Industry Spill-Overs in the South African Economy (#1028)
Mthokozisi Ziqubu, University of Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa)

Food Security and Marketing among Cassava Farmers in Rural Nigeria (#1046)
Adekemi Adebisola Obisesan and Roseline Jumoke Akinlade, University of Ibadan (Nigeria)


Moderator: Vicki Hill

Garbage To Feed: Franchising an Insect-Based Business Opportunity (#1170)
Francesco Braga, University of Guelph and Stefano Pascucci, Wageningen University (Canada)

Analysis of Stakeholder Reactions Toward the Use of Biofortified Foods in School Feeding Programs: An Application of the Protection Motivation Theory to Iodine Enriched Legumes in Uganda (#1153)
Hans De Steur, Ghent University; Joseph Mogendi, Mount Kenya University & Ghent University; Joshua Wesana and Xavier Gellynck, Ghent University (Belgium)

Household Consumption Preference for Imported and Domestic Rice in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implication for Rice Quality Improvement (#960)
Oyinbo Oyakhilomen, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Ahmadu Bello University

Chinese Consumers’ Preferences for the Attributes of Fresh Produce Portfolio in an E-Commerce Environment - A Choice Experiment Approach (#1066)
Shaosheng Jin and Yao Li, Zhejiang University (China); Haoyang Li, Michigan State University (United States)

Analysis of Consumers’ Preferences for Typical Local Cheese in Albania Applying Conjoint Analysis (#1041) PPT
Drini Imami, Engjell Skreli, and Edvin Zhllima, Agriculture University of Tirana; Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Alban Cela, Albanian Institute of Statistics (Albania); Maurizio Canavari, University of Bologna (Italy)

Consumers’ Preferences for Organic Food Applying Conjoint Analysis – The Case of Tomato in Albania (#1037) PPT
Engjell Skreli, Drini Imami, and Edvin Zhillima, University of Tirana (Albania); Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii at Manoa (United States); Maurizio Canavari, University of Bologna, (Italy); Ergent Pire, Development Solutions Associates (Albania)

Best Breads Looks to Improve Profitability (#1102)
Vicki Hill and Gregory A. Baker, Santa Clara University (United States)

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