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IFAMR Case study library

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Cacao Oro

Esteban R. Brenes, Octavio Martinez, Maria Fernanda Lopez, Luciano Ciravegna, and Caleb A. Pichardo, 26 (5), pp. 783–799

Geo Biogas & Tech: leading sustainable energy transition in Brazil through biogas business
Leticia Franco Martinez, Marcos Fava Neves, Beatriz Papa Casagrande, Gabriel de Oliveira Teixeira, Vinicius Cambaúva, Daniel Bocca Mancini  26 (2), pp. 341–354


Improving decision-making through material flow cost accounting: the case of VietGreen bottled mineral water company
Thuy Thanh Tran, Christian Herzig 25(1), pp. 37–48

Oatly, a serious ‘problem’ for the dairy industry? A case study
Caspar Krampe, Adar Fridman 25(1), pp. 157–171


The downfall of Transmar Cocoa
Ryan Feuz, Joseph Montoya 24(5), pp. 877–885

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.: stock price estimation in the midst of pandemic
Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech, Susan White 24(5), pp. 887–900

Local industrial policies and development of agricultural clusters: a case study based on a tea cluster in China
Lyuhang Zhao, Jianqing Ruan, Xinjie Shi 24(2), pp. 267–288

Mantiqueira: innovating and disrupting in the egg business
Marcos Fava Neves, Allan Wayne Gray, Carlos Eduardo Lourenço, Francisco Albert Scott 24(1), pp. 138–161

Sustaining supply chain relationships for co-operative success: the case of South Devon Organic Producers Co-operative (UK)
Adrian R. Bailey, Jia Fu, Hao Dong, Tomas Sparano Martins 24(1), pp. 162–178 


EastPack: financing future growth opportunities
Elena Garnevska, Farai Sixpence, Whetu Rolleston 23(4), pp. 633–641

Cultivation of faba beans for regional protein supply: a case study on the association ‘Rheinische Ackerbohne e.V.
Ina Stute, Bruno Kezeya-Sepngang, Verena Haberlah-Korr, Marcus Mergenthaler 23(4), pp. 643–659

Bonusz Agro Cooperative: loan options
Tamas Mizik 23(2), pp. 301–312

Peppers & More1: a teaching case in organizational behavior
Meike Rombach, Shema E. Paul, Lukas F. Niedermann, Vera Bitsch 23(2), pp. 313–318

Sojagnon: shaping the Beninese soy system to meet the challenges of an emerging market
Mênouwesso Harold Hounhouigan, Ken M.G. Kounouewa, Connetie Ayesiga, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek
23(1), pp. 143–156

Adoption of e-commerce by the agri-food sector in China: the case of Minyu e-commerce company
Xiaoshan Yang, Xiaowei Chen, Yan Jiang, Fu Jia  23(1), pp. 157–171


Vegetable supply chain integration: the case of a trinity cooperative in China
Lu Wang, Jianli Luo 22(5) pp. 767–780  No Teaching Note

Keywords: trinity cooperative, vegetable supply chain, case study

Do traditional market consumers care about the halal meat label? A case study in Taiwan Shang-Ho Yang 22(5) pp. 781–794  No Teaching Note

Keywords: halal, information attributes, traditional markets, willingness-to-pay

How to become a system integrator streamlining vegetable supply chains: the case of Songxiaocai Company Yanfei Yao, Fu Jia, Wenhui Fu, Hongdong Guo 22(4) pp. 621–634  

Keywords: vegetable supply chain, China, demand-driven, teaching case

An intergenerational farm transfer: when to start handing over the reins? Iuliia Tetteh, Michael Boehlje 22(3) pp. 429–434  No Teaching Note

Keywords: intergenerational farm transfer, estate and succession planning, farmer productivity, farm family living expenses

Vertical coordination in the Brazilian milk supply chain: the case of 3B Agro LTDA  Silas Simeon Hayer, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto, Dietrich Darr  22(3) pp. 435–449  No Teaching Note

Keywords: vertical coordination, contract farming, supply chain, dairy industry, incomplete contracts, principal-agent problem, business expansion

ConAgra foods 2015 and the limits of debt: rewriting a recipe that just didn’t work 
Susan White, Carlos Trejo-Pech, Magdy Noguera  22(3) pp. 451–463  No Teaching Note

Keywords: agribusiness finance, debt level, business strategy, mergers and acquisitions

A hybrid form of agricultural organization: the case of the Beizhijiang vegetable cooperative in China Qiao Liang, Weibin Hu, Fu Jia 22(2), pp. 283–293

Keywords: farmer cooperative, agribusiness, China, governance, hybrid form of organization

The Vegetarian Butcher: on its way to becoming the world’s biggest ‘meat’ producer? Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Yuan Zhao 22(2) pp. 295–307  No Teaching Note

Keywords: vegetarian butcher, meat industry, meat replacement, technology innovation, international strategy

Case study of Agroindustrias La Granja Patricio San Andrés, Marcos Vega Solano 22(2) pp. 309–320 No Teaching Note

Keywords: fresh mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, family business, competitiveness strategy

Autonomation in broiler production: a comparative analysis Dalila Cisco Collatto, Anete Petrusch, Daniel Pacheco Lacerda, Fábio Antônio Sartori Piran, Ricardo Brandão Mansilha 22(1) pp. 47–64 No Teaching Note

Keywords: autonomation, Toyota Production System, loss, productivity, broiler farming, broiler


BASF: differentiating on service innovation  Josiah Ringelberg, W. Scott Downey, Brady Spangenberg 21(5) pp. 563–572

Keywords: agriculture, distribution, innovation, marketing, retailers

United Agricultural Cooperative: considering the sale of the agronomy division  John W. Siebert, John L. Park 21(5) pp. 573–582

Keywords: cooperative, case study, finance

Hutten catering: how to organize innovation for vital consumers in a sustainable food system? Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Yuan Zhao 21(5) pp. 583–594

Keywords: sustainability, innovation, food system, responsible consumption, corporate social responsibility, food service

ConAgra Foods: valuing a potential recipe for success  Susan White, Carlos Trejo-Pech, Magdy Noguera 21(5) pp. 595–608

Keywords: agribusiness finance, mergers and acquisitions, investment valuation, private brands

King’s Hawaiian: managing the supply of aloha spirit for every household, every day Brian A. Bourquard, Allan W. Gray 21(5) pp. 609–626 No Teaching Note

Keywords: supply chains, strategy, food manufacturing

IKEA: global sourcing and the sustainable leather initiative Yan Jiang, Fu Jia, Yu Gong 21(5) pp. 627–640

Keywords: sustainable leather initiative, supply chain, global sourcing strategy, global sourcing structure, teaching case

Meeting the growth challenge: developing the next level organization for GASA Group Germany Paul Philipp Reifferscheidt, Dietrich Darr 21(5) pp. 641–654 No Teaching Note

Keywords: organization design, company growth, horticulture value chain, small- and medium-sized enterprise, Lower Rhine valley, Germany

The Karoo Meat of Origin certification scheme: a silver bullet? Melissa van der Merwe, Johann F. Kirsten, Jacques H. Trienekens 21(5) pp. 655–668 No Teaching Note

Keywords: differentiated lamb, South African Karoo Meat of Origin, supply chain challenges, opportunistic behaviour, monitoring and enforcement mechanisms

The Brazilian cotton marketing initiative: ‘Sou de Algodão’ case  Luciano Thomé e Castro, Marcos Fava Neves, W. Scott Downey, Manami Kawagushi Torres 21(5) pp. 669–678

Keywords: cotton, Brazil, chain & networks, textiles, sustainability

Florida’s Natural® and the supply of Florida oranges  Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech, Thomas H. Spreen, Lisa A. House  21(3) pp. 437–454  No Teaching Note

Keywords: agribusiness, orange juice industry, citrus greening, Florida’s Natural

Growth strategies for a commercial farm: the AgroPastoril Campanelli case study  Roberto Fava Scare, Allan Wayne Gray, Rodrigo Lourenço Farinha, Erin Chelsea Fullerton, Marcos Fava Neves  21(1) pp. 161–178 No Teaching Note

Keywords: agribusiness, verticalization, strategy, farm, cattle, corn, sugarcane

Supply chain re-engineering: a case study of the Tonghui Agricultural Cooperative in Inner Mongolia Qianyu Zhu, Cheryl J. Wachenheim, Zhiyao Ma, Cong Zhu 21(1) pp. 133–160.

Keywords: cooperative, China, supply chain, agricultural marketing, financing


Management support for agricultural enterprises: a case study for a fruit-producing company  Leonardo Ensslin, Vinícius Dezem, Ademar Dutra, Sandra R. Ensslin, Karine Somensi   pp. 493–510 No Teaching Note

Keywords: performance evaluation, fruit production, MCDA-C, multi-criteria

Shaping food systems towards improved nutrition: a case study on Tuscan Bread Protected Designation of Origin
Francesca Galli, Francesca Venturi, Fabio Bartolini, Oriana Gava, Angela Zinnai, Sanmartin Chiara, Gianpaolo Andrich, Gianluca Brunori   pp. 533–552

Keywords: food system, wheat-to-bread chain, nutrition, territoriality, governance

Managing the pork supply chain through a cooperative: the case of Jinzhong Food Co. Ltd.
Chen Ji, Fu Jia, Jacques Trienekens pp. 415–426

Keywords: pork supply chain, farmer’s cooperative, case study

Agency costs and organizational architecture of large corporate farms: evidence from Brazil
Fabio Chaddad, Vladislav Valentinov (pp. 201–220) No Teaching Note

Keywords: corporate farms, separation of ownership and control, organizational architecture, corporate governance


Fertilizer freight rate disparity in Brazil: a regional approach

Lilian M. de Lima, Lilian de Pelegrini Elias, José V. Caixeta-Filho, and Jamile de Campos Coleti  
No Teaching Note

Ethanol and sugarcane expansion in Brazil: what is fueling the ethanol industry?   Author video 
Ana Claudia Sant’Anna, Aleksan Shanoyan, Jason Scott Bergtold, Marcellus M. Caldas, and Gabriel Granco 

Slaughterhouse in Southeastern Afghanistan: A Public-Private Partnership

Cheryl Wachenheim                                                         

Copersucar: A World Leader in Sugar and Ethanol

Marcos Fava Neves, Allan W. Gray and Brian A. Bourquard


The Case of Valldal Branded Strawberries                                                                                
Per Engelseth

Red Arrow Products Smokin’ Into the Future: Facing Changing Diets and New Challenges in the Food Industry   
Keith D. Harris

Syngenta: Changing a Global Company?
Elizabeth A Yeager, W. Scott Downey, and David A Widmar

A Case Study of Shuanghui International's Strategic Acquisition of Smithfield Foods?
Hongjun Tao and Chaoping Xi

The Case of Strategic Management and Marketing Consulting for ATO: Doing Business in Tajikistan?
Brian K. Coffey


Yealands Wine Group: Balancing Business and Sustainability

Elena Garnevska, Sarah McLaren, and Sayaka Hiroki

The Starting Block: A Case Study of an Incubator Kitchen                                                 
Jenifer Buckley, H. Christopher Peterson and Jim Bingen

Cooperative Innovation: The Case of Team Marketing Alliance, LLC  
Aleksan Shanoyan and Brian Briggeman


Corporate Social Responsibility in Swedish Food Retail: The Case of Tiger Shrimp

Official Case of the IFAMA 2013 International Student Case Competition
Julia Patrizia Rotter and Cecilia Mark-Herbert

Helping Consumers “Know Who Grows” Their Coffee: The Case of THRIVE Farmers Coffee
Norbert L. W. Wilson, Adam Wilson and Keith Whittingham

A Case Study on Building the Certified Angus Beef® Brand
John W. Siebert and Clay Jones

California Water Wars: Tough Choices at Woolf Farming
Official Case of the IFAMA 2010 International Student Case Competition                             
Gregory A. Baker, Alana N. Sampson and Michael J. Harwood

ANZCO Foods Limited: Pursuing the Chinese Market                                                             
Official Case of the IFAMA 2012 International Student Case Competition                                  
Daniel Conforte, Nicky Jones, Nicola M. Shadbolt and Xiaomeng (Sharon) Lucock

Supply Chain Re-engineering in the Fresh Produce Industry: A Case Study of Adani Agrifresh  
Mukesh Pandey, Gregory A. Baker and Deepali Tewari Pandey

Entrepreneurial and Buyer-Driven Local Wine Supply Chains: Case Study of Acres of Land Winery in Kentucky
Blessing M. Maumbe and Cheryl Brown


Driving a Fishery along the Bumpy Ride of Today’s Globalization: The Case of the Australian Southern Rock Lobster Association
Domenico Dentoni, Jianyong Lu, Francis English, Rebecca McBride

VION Food Group: New Challenges

Martijn F. L. Rademakers *Author Video

Grameen Danone Foods Limited (GDF)

Official Case of the IFAMA 2011 International Student Case Competition                            
Jonathan Rodrigues and Gregory Baker *Author Video


New Zealand Wool Inside: A Discussion Case Study

Daniel Conforte, Samuel Dunlop, and Elena Garnevska

U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission vs. Marketing Advisory Services, Inc.: A Case Study    Dennis Conley

Processed Chili Peppers for Export Markets: A Capital Budgeting Study on the AgroFood Company
Ayman A. Shelaby, Wael M. Semida, Daniel F. Warnock, and David Hahn

Enterprise Risk Management at Top Agro Inc.  
Francesco Braga


A Guatemalan Soycow Cooperative: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts?

Meredith Blumthal, Eric. T. Micheels, Nicholas D. Paulson, and Rhett C. Farrell

UNICA: Challenges to Deliver Sustainability in the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry
Fabio R. Chaddad

Bánffi Soda Limited Partnership

Official Case of the IAMA 2009 International Student Case Competition                                  
Imola Kiserdi-Pallo and Gregory A. Baker

Maintaining a Healthy Equity Structure: A Policy Change at Producers Cooperative Association

John W. Siebert and John L. Park

Appellation of Origin Status and Economic Development: A Case Study of the Mezcal Industry

Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech, Ma. Carmen López-Reyna, Lisa A. House,and William Messina

‘Tenderstem’ Broccoli for Export Markets: An Analysis Study on the AgroFood Company   
Sayed F. El-Sayed, Walid Y. Sallam, Daniel F. Warnock, and David Hahn


Strategic Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Innovation and New Technology Introduction during Volatile Times

Michael Boehlje and Maud Roucan-Kane

Opportunities for Producing Table Grapes in Egypt for the Export Market: A Decision Case Study

Yaser A. A. Diab, Magdi A. A. Mousa, Daniel F. Warnock and David Hahn

Greene Gardens

Official Case of the IFAMA 2008 International Student Case Competition                              
Gregory A. Baker and Kirk O. Hanson


Parma Agrifood Research Management Knowledge Network: PARMa KN

Official Case of the IFAMA 2007 International Student Case Competition                          
Francesco Braga and Gregory A. Baker

Competing in a Mature Market: The Case of Super AM Food Markets

Kenneth Harling

The Clustering of Organizational Innovation: Developing Governance Models for Vertical Integration

Molly J. Burress, Michael L. Cook and Peter G. Klein

Farming Fish in a Transitional Economy: A Case for East Timor

Toby Ryan Wood a and Catherine Chan-Halbrendt


Strategic Marketing Decisions for Organic Agricultural Producers   
Jon C. Phillips and H. Christopher Peterson


The Amadori Group: Free-Range Chicken and the Impact of Avian Flu

Gregory A. Baker and Francesco Braga

Customer Relationship Management at Farm Credit Services of Mid-America: Working towards a Single View

Bobby J. Martens and Jay T. Akridge

Analyzing Risk and Uncertainty of New Product Marketing: The Case of eMerge Interactive and VerifEYE®

Michael Gunderson, Maud Roucan, Michael Boehlje and Allan Gray

Banning Foie Gras in California

Gregory A. Baker and Fan Zhang


Veggies 4U’s Energy Pricing Dilemma

Francesco Braga

Decisions in Global Sourcing and Supply: Deep Red Canning Co.

James Mwai, David Hahn and Melchior Mlambiti


Managing Input Price Volatility at Heritage Family Specialty Foods

Jayson L. Lusk and Michael A. Gunderson

Strategic Marketing Problems in the Uganda Maize Seed Industry

Donald W. Larson and Swaibu Mbowa

California Strawberry Production and Methyl Bromide

Gregory A. Baker

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool                                                          
Marv Painter

A Local Cooperative's Financial and Strategic Analysis of the Evaluation of Potential Merger Partners

Joan Fulton, Susan Hine, Jennifer Vandeburg and Kevin McNamara

Land O’Lakes

Michael Boland, Vincent Amanor-Boadu, and David Barton

Creolé Coffee                                                                                                             
Lynn Kennedy and Elizabeth D. Roule


Cargill Hybrid Seeds Mexico - A Case Study  
Carlos Trejo-Pech, Lisa House and Carmen Lopez-Reyna

Capturing Value in the Supply Chain: The Case of High Oleic Acid Soybeans

Mark A. Darroch, Jay T. Akridge and Michael D. Boehlje


The Bread Shop

Kent Olson

TML Foods Inc.

Erna van Duren, Carl Neggers and David Sparling

Threads for the Future: Value Chain Analysis at PCCA

Conrad P. Lyford

Rural Supply Cooperative: Capital Budgeting Decision Case: Feasibility Study of Auxiliary Enterprises for a Rural Supply Cooperative

Andrew Marshall, Susan Hine, Norm Dalsted and Donald Lybecker


Niman Ranch--A Natural Meat Processor Case Study

William J. Brown

Northland Foods: Planning the End : A Decision Case

Kent Olson


IntelliGin-A Ginning Revolution from Process Control Technology

Stephen A. Ford and Charles R. Hall

Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Issues for Bio Ag

Frank J. Dooley and Jay T. Akridge

A Framework for Incorporating Case Writing Assignments in Graduate Agribusiness Courses

S. Sureshwaran and Gwen Hanks

The Green Company: A Case of Change in Management Structure and Processes in a Small Lawn and Garden Business

Roger A. Hinson, R. Wes Harrison, David L. Deephouse, and Barbara D. Minsky

Case Writing: An Art and a Science

Kenneth Harling and Emily Misser 

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