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2019  |  VOLUME 22 ISSUE 5

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

Research Articles

What strategies do dairy companies realize? Using content analysis to examine strategies in the German dairy market

Julia Höhler, Rainer Kühl, pp. 635–650

Keywords: strategic management, content analysis, realized strategy, mixed methods, dairy

Dairy supply chain in Southern Brazil: barriers to competitiveness

Caetano Luiz Beber, Andres Fabricio Ruales Carpio, Mohamad Isam Almadani, Ludwig Theuvsen, pp. 651–673

Keywords: dairies’ competitiveness, dairy supply chain, Brazilian dairy sector

Exploring retailer marketing strategies for value added bean products in Kenya

Florence Nakazi, Immaculate Babirye, Eliud Birachi, Michael Adrogu Ugen, pp. 675–687

Keywords: value added bean products, retailers, multivariate probit, Poisson, marketing strategies 

EU’s trade standards and the export performance of small and medium-sized agri-food export firms in Egypt

Assem Abu Hatab, Sebastian Hess, Yves Surry, pp. 689–705

Keywords: food safety and quality standards, small and medium-sized firms, ordered probit model, Egypt, European Union

Consumer’s risk perception of foodborne diseases and high-risk food safety practices in domestic kitchens

Shusai Wang, Lijie Shan, Xiaoli Wang, Linhai Wu, pp. 707–716

Keywords: risk perception, foodborne diseases, influencing factors, food safety practices, multivariate ordinal logistic regression model

Estimation of a censored food demand system and nutrient elasticities: a cross-sectional analysis of Sri Lanka

Manori Nimanthika Lokuge, Sanja Zivkovic, Kelly Lange, Benaissa Chidmi, pp. 717–729

Keywords: food demand, nutrient demand, QUAIDS, Tobit

Effect of private-led contract farming on rice growers’ yield, cost, selling price and return: evidence from Vietnam’s central Mekong Delta

Tran Quoc Nhan, pp. 731–746

Keywords: contract farming, impact, outcome, propensity score matching, rice

Multi-layer agency problems in a non-profit and for-profit collaboration: a case study of a delicatessen product in support of a minority

Meike Rombach, Lisa Koehl, Vera Bitsch, pp. 747–765

Keywords: agency theory, cross-sector collaboration, in-depth interviews, moral hazard, qualitative content analysis

Case Studies

Vegetable supply chain integration: the case of a trinity cooperative in China

Lu Wang, Jianli Luo, pp. 767–780

Keywords: trinity cooperative, vegetable supply chain, case study

Do traditional market consumers care about the halal meat label? A case study in Taiwan

Shang-Ho Yang, pp. 781–79

Keywords: halal, information attributes, traditional markets, willingness-to-pay

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