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Welcome to Forum Day 2 (Europe/Africa)

REGIONAL EMCEE: Woody Maijers, Professor, Inholland University of Applied Science,  Netherlands

Woody Maijers serves as the regional emcee for Forum Day 2 in Europe and Africa and moderates the first discussion panel:

Transforming the Global Agriculture and Food System Through Innovation 

Ferdi Meyer, Director, Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy

Gus van der Feltz, Co-Founder and Board Member, Farm Tech Society

Yelto Zimmer, Managing Director global networks gUG, Head of agri benchmark

Building upon the Keynote address of Sunny Verghese, Co-founder and Group CEO, Olam International from Day 1, our panelists breakdown the key takeaways from Sunny's talk  and discuss strategies to integrate them within our own sphere of influence.

Watch Sunny's full Keynote

Own Your Carbon Footprint with Olam's Free App, ADVA

Future of Work in the AgriFood Value Chain

MODERATORS: Melissa van der Merwe, Lecturer, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Anathi Makamane, Lecturer & Researcher, University of the Free State, S Africa

PANELISTS: Chikomborero Chiobvu, Masters Student, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Philip van Zanten, Project Manager, Beekenkamp Plants, The Netherlands

Jan Greyling, Analyst, AgVentures, South Africa

Marianne van der Laarse, Managing Member, Agrijob, South Africa

Jahni de ViliersDirector, Labour Amplified, South Africa

Piet Verstegen, Senior Researcher, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Woody MaijersProfessor, Inholland University of Applied Science, The Netherlands

What does the future of work look like? Do we need to upskill ourselves further and in what areas? Will robots replace all our jobs? How do we exist in symbiosis with technology? We know that the pace of change is accelerating, yet will it ever slow down? Should we be concerned about what this means for traditional job opportunities in the Agri-food value chain? Join us as our panel of young professionals, students, and industry experts in tackle one of the most uncertain topics of our time – The future of work in the Agri-food chain.

Can the Farm-to-Fork Strategy Create a Food System Reset?

Roundtable 1: Industry 

INTRODUCTION: Olaf Heidelbach, Economic and Policy Analyst, European Commission Agriculture & Rural Development, EU 

Loïc Sauvee, Head, Research Unit INTERACT, UniLaSalle

PANELISTS: Christine Crosby, Global Sustainability Director, Hero Group, Switzerland

Valentino Marini Govigli, Researcher, Department of Agri-Food Sciences & Technologies, University of Bologna, Italy  

Thinus van Schoor, Managing Director, Value Chain Solutions, S Africa 

Pawel Chmielinski, Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland  PPT

The Farm-to-Fork Strategy, launched in 2020, is at the heart of the European Green Deal and aims to make Agrifood systems fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly. In this session, we discuss the hurdles ahead and the innovative solutions needed to develop a circular bio-based economy, improve nutrient use efficiency, biodiversity, and animal welfare, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Can the Farm-to-Fork Strategy Create a Food System Reset?

Roundtable 2: Trade 

MODERATOR: Loïc Sauvee, Head, Research Unit INTERACT, UniLaSalle

PANELISTS: Kristian Moeller, Managing Director, GLOBALG.A.P. PPT

Petra Berkhout, Senior Researcher, Wageningen University  PPT

Tinashe Kapuya, Senior Program Officer, Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa

The Farm-to-Fork Strategy, launched in 2020, is at the heart of the European Green Deal and aims to make Agrifood systems fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly. In this session, we discuss the hurdles ahead and the innovative solutions needed to develop a circular bio-based economy, improve nutrient use efficiency, biodiversity, and animal welfare, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

IFAMR Special Issue Call for Papers: Opportunities & Challenges of the EU Farm -to-Fork Strategy

New Investments in AgriFood Systems Usher in the Next Frontier

MODERATORS: John Purchase, CEO, Agricultural Business Chamber, South Africa

Wandile Sihlobo, Chief Economist, Agricultural Business Chamber, South Africa

PANELISTS: Nico Groenewald, Head of Agribusiness, Standard Bank, South Africa

Russell Du Preez, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, RussellStone Group, South Africa

Ward Anseeuw, Policy Analyst, Agricultural Research Centre for International Development, South Africa

Marcel Zevenbergen, Program Manger, OnePlanet, the Netherlands

As the AgriFood sector matures, non-traditional investors are entering the market with new financial sophistication as they seek to capitalize on the application of new technologies in food production. This session examines disruptive innovations in AgTech—production systems, new foods, and data platforms that allow for faster and better decision making. What do these new investors look like, and how are these deals structured? What are the implications for the traditional industry players? Will small farmers survive?

Farming in the Future—A Look at Digital tools and Disruptive Technologies

MODERATORS: Ed Mabaya, Senior Researcher, Department of Global Development, Cornell University, USA

Anathi MakamaneLecturer & Researcher, University of the Free State, South Africa

PANELISTS: Willem Bas, CEO, B-Four Agro, The Netherlands

Lisanne Van Haarlem, Project Innovation Leader, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Lise Korsten, Co-Director, DSI/NRF Centre of Excellence Food Security, South Africa

Peter Maes, Director, Corporate Marketing, Koppert Biological Systems, the Netherlands

Langa Simela, Agribusiness Development Manager, Absa, South Africa

Tommie van Zyl, CEO, ZZ2 Farming Group, South Africa

Woody MaijersProfessor, Inholland University of Applied Science, The Netherlands

The farming sector is currently undergoing radical disruptions that will continue reshaping the future of food. Digitalization, new technologies, government policies, and climate change are poised to disrupt traditional business models. What are the keys to surviving and thriving? What are the implications for food security and addressing climate change in Europe and Africa? This practical session will showcase several examples of digital tools and disruptive technologies in Africa and Europe that benefit stakeholders across the food and agricultural value chain.

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