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North Carolina State University

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Program Description

Agricultural Business Management (ABM)

Agriculture in the 21st century is a complex, multifaceted and cutting-edge industry ranging from farm production to food processing to retailing, all dealing with the fundamentals of business activity—economics, management, marketing, finance, law, labor, policy and international trade. The Agricultural Business Management major, leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, prepares students for increasing opportunities that exist for graduates to enter managerial positions in ag-related businesses.

The academic program combines core courses in agricultural business and economics with courses in science and technology. Students learn to apply the concepts, principles and terminology of business and economics to real-world issues and opportunities. Although the curriculum arises from an agricultural base, its requirements and applications are broad enough to apply to nonagricultural business as well.

Agricultural Business Management – Biological Sciences/Business Management Concentration (BBM)

Continuing advances in science, especially in biotechnology and health care are creating new career opportunities in biological sciences business management for college graduates who combine training in science with business and economics. The ARE Department offers a program that can tap into these opportunities through the Biological Sciences/ Business Management Concentration within its B.S. Degree program in Agricultural Business Management. This concentration is designed for students with a good background and interest in science who seek alternatives to traditional science careers.

BBM graduates will obtain sound general science training, with emphasis on biological sciences, and a foundation in accounting, business and economics sufficient for job entry or further study at the Master’s level. They will also develop communication skills and obtain a historical perspective for evaluating consequences of scientific advances. 

Program Website

Contact Person

Dr. Anthony Yeboah, Chairperson


Raleigh, North Carolina USA

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