2016 | VOLUME 19 ISSUE 4 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review |
Editorial Staff
Executive Editor's Note
Glimpse 2.0: a framework to feed the world Author video
Aidan J. Connolly, Luiz R. Sodre, and Kate Phillips-Connolly [pp. 1-22]
Members’ attitudes towards cooperatives and their perception of agency problems
Karin Hakelius and Helena Hansson [pp. 23-36]
Do coffee cooperatives benefit farmers? An exploration of heterogeneous impact of coffee cooperative membership in Southwest Ethiopia
Zekarias Shumeta and Marijke D’Haese [pp. 37-52]
Performance of small and medium-sized food and agribusiness enterprises: evidence from Indian firms
Jabir Ali [pp.53-64]
The relevance of business practices in linking smallholders and large agro-businesses in Sub-Sahara Africa
Linda Kleemann [pp.65-78]
The influence of value chain integration on performance: an empirical study of the malt barley value chain in Ethiopia
Mulugeta D. Watabaji, Adrienn Molnar, Manoj K. Dora, and Xavier Gellynck [pp.79-94]
Dairy farm households, processor linkages and household income: the case of dairy hub linkages in East Africa
Elizaphan J.O. Rao, Immaculate Omondi, Aziz A. Karimov, and Isabelle Baltenweck [pp.95-108]
Consumer perceptions of climate change and willingness to pay for mandatory implementation of low carbon labels: the case of South Korea
Hyeyoung Kim, Lisa A. House, and Tae-Kyun Kim [pp. 129-144]
Economic feasibility of tobacco leaves for biofuel production and high value squalene
Aleksandre Maisashvili, Henry L. Bryant, and James W. Richardson [pp. 145-162]
Case Studies
Fertilizer freight rate disparity in Brazil: a regional approach
Lilian M. de Lima, Lilian de Pelegrini Elias, José V. Caixeta-Filho, and Jamile de Campos Coleti [pp. 109-128]
Ethanol and sugarcane expansion in Brazil: what is fueling the ethanol industry? Author video
Ana Claudia Sant’Anna, Aleksan Shanoyan, Jason Scott Bergtold, Marcellus M. Caldas, and Gabriel Granco [pp. 163-182]
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