2021 | VOLUME 24 ISSUE 6 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review |
Advancing food and agribusiness management research: IFAMA 2020 best papers
Mustafa Hasanov, Jacques Trienekens, Wilfred Dolfsma
Keywords: agri-food management, agri-business, IFAMA, conference report, best papers
Review Articles
Sirkka Schukat, Marie Diekmann, Heinke Heise
Keywords: neuroeconomics, consumer neuroscience, neuromarketing, consumer research, agro-economic research
European private food safety standards in global agri-food supply chains: a systematic review
Madhura Rao, Aalt Bast, Alie de Boer
Keywords: private standards, GlobalGAP, BRC, food safety, retail
Research Articles
Bunthan Tray, Elena Garnevska, Nicola Shadbolt
Keywords: producer cooperatives, smallholder farmers, vegetables, high-value markets, Cambodia
Edeoba W. Edobor, Renee D. Wiatt, Maria I. Marshall
Keywords: succession planning, transfer-readiness, small and medium family businesses, farm businesses
Got waste: knowledge, behavior and self-assessment on food waste of university students in Germany
Andreas Gabriel, Meike Rombach, Hannah Wieser, Vera Bitsch
Keywords: food disposal behavior, food waste, knowledge of food waste, student survey
Effects of pollinator related information on consumer preference for neonicotinoid labeling
Hayk Khachatryan, Xuan Wei, Alicia Rihn
Keywords: stated choice experiment, information treatment, neonicotinoid labeling, ornamental plants
Lisa Blix Germundsson, Per Frankelius, Charlotte Norrman
Keywords: agriculture, food, innovation brokering, agricultural
Performance and informality: the key to sustainability in small scale agrifood systems
Kim P. Bryceson, Anne Ross
Keywords: agrifood complex systems, habitus of informality, backstage frontstage performance
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